He estado investigando durante aproximadamente 2 años y he chocado contra una pared. Mi bisabuelo 6x era Blas Esteban Franco que se casó con Margarita Liberata de Aiola Ramires en el 08 de octubre 1736 en Tepatitlán, Jalisco. A continuación se muestra el enlace a su acta de matrimonio. El registro se encuentra en la parte superior izquierda de la página.
En el acta de matrimonio se afirma que Pedro Franco y Micaela Baeza eran los padres de Blas Esteban. No he podido encontrar mas información sobre ellos asi es que aqui termina mi busqueda. Pude obtener el libro Retoños de España en la Nueva Galicia por don Mariano González-Leal. No pude encontrar ninguna mención de mi línea en el capítulo sobre la familia Franco. Sé que uno de los patriarcas fue Pedro Franco de Paredes y que tuvo un hijo ilegítimo que llamó Pedro pero no se menciona mas de el. Podría este Pedro ser mi 7x bisabuelo o podría ser un enlace a mi familia?
Si alguien ha investigado esta familia y me puede dar alguna información, por favor hágamelo saber. Estoy muy agradecida por este foro y por los muchos miembros que ayudan a los investigadores principiantes como yo. Una vez más gracias.
I have been researching for about 2 years and have hit a brick wall. My 6x great grandfather was Blas Esteban Franco who married Margarita Liberata de Aiola Ramires on 08 Oct. 1736 in Tepatitlan, Jalisco. Below is the link to their marriage record. The record is found in the upper left hand side of the page.
In the marriage record it states that Pedro Franco and Micaela Baeza were Blas Esteban's parents. I haven't been able to find any information on the parents so that is were my road ends. I was able to get a hold of the book Retonos de Espana en la Nueva Galicia by Don Mariano Gonzalez-Leal. I wasn't able to find any mention of my family line in the chapter about the Franco family. I know that one of the patriarchs was Pedro Franco de Paredes and that he had an illegitimate son who he named Pedro. Could this Pedro be my 7x great-grandfather or could he be a link to my family?
If anybody has researched this family and can give me any information, please let me know. I am so thankful for this forum and for the many members who help the novice researchers like myself. Again thank you.
Anita Rodriguez
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Blas Esteban Franco
Hello Anita,
I'm also fairly new at this too; but we learn by doing and helping. I looked at the marriage and it does say that Blas Esteban is Mestizo (right after his name--"mest"). To me it also looks like the mother's name may be Becerra--although it only has one R in the document. I tried with all of the combinations I could figure and unfortunately I had no luck either. Remember that the Franco family also went by Franco de Paredes and sometimes Paredes.
Good luck,
Deedra Corona
Blas Esteban Franco
Anita Rodriguez
Deedra, thanks for responding to my post. I appreciate any help I can get.
I've been searching the death records and found a person that could be Blas Esteban's wife. I'm including the link
It's on the top left side of the page. I have a hard time reading these records. What do you think? Thanks
Anita Rodriguez
Just to make a correction on my last post. Michaela Becerra was not Blas Esteban Franco's wife but his mother (wife of Pedro Franco.)
Franco de paredes Perez de paredes
In some of my Franco lines from Tepatitlan, they used Perez de paredes, Perez-Franco, Franco-Perez, Franco de paredes one line sometimes used Casillas as that was an illegitimate line
These names were used interchangeably and could change from one generation to the next