Friday, April 02, 2010, 1:26 PM
Joseph, thank you for helping me do my own genealogical research to find my relationship to my two great uncles: Generals Paulino Navarro Serrano, after whom the city of Autlán de la Grana was renamed Autlán de Navarro in 1939, and Marcelino García Barragán, Governor of Jalisco 1943-1947, Secretary of Defense of Mexico, 1964-1968, when students were shot during demonstrations on the 2nd of October before the opening of the 1968 Olympics in Mexico City on October 12, 1968.
Ahnentafel, Generation No. 1
1 José Rafael Ramos, born February 24, 1935, 9:02 a.m. is the son of 2 José Ramos Flores and 3 Enedina Gómez Barragán in San Francisco, California. He married 4. Elsbeth Irene Foster April 18, 1963, in Berkeley, California, divorced April 18, 1983; in Monterey, California He married 5 Yvonne June Lagrange [formerly Mrs. Roger Winton Poyner], May 22, 1983 [Religious ceremony], in San Juan Bautista, California, and June 15, 1983 [Church and Civil Ceremony], in Monterey, California.
Children of José Rafael Ramos and Yvonne June Lagrange are:
Raquel Paloma Ramos, born February 7, 1985
Larkin Carmen Ramos, born September 4, 1986
Children of Jose Rafael Ramos and Elsbeth Irene Foster are:
Sofía Magdalena Ramos, born July 21, 1965
Ahnentafel, Generation No. 2
2. Jose Ramos Flores was born August 2, 1903, in Zacatecas, Zacatecas, Mexico, and died ____ 1983 .He was the son of 6 Leonardo Ramos and 7 Leonor Flores [Oficialia No. 01, Libro 84, Acta 00640, Fecha de Registro ,17/8/1903]
Jose Flores Ramos [José Flores Ramos on the Marriage Certificate] married Enedina Gómez, June 3, 1934 [Book 331 of Marriage Certificates, Page 558, Records of the City and County of San Francisco, State of California].
3. Enedina Gómez Barragán was born August 13, 1907 in Autlán de Navarro, Jalisco, [Oficialia No. 01, Libro 01, Acta 335, Folio 45427] [known as Autlán de la Grana at her birth, but renamed for her uncle, 8 General Paulino Navarro Serrano. “By decree number 4562, [of the Legislature of the State of Jalisco] published the 27 of July of 1939, the city of Autlán de la Grana would take the name of Autlán de Navarro in memory of General Navarro, native of Autlán de la Grana and teacher in this municipality, who died the 23 of December of 1923 in defense of the institutions of the Republic.” He died attacking a machine gun nest.]
Enedina Gómez Barragán de Ramos died March 24, 1988, in Tijuana, Baja California, México. She [as Enedina Gómez] married José Ramos Flores[José Flores Ramos on the Marriage Certificate] June 3, 1934 [Book 331 of Marriage Certificates, Page 558, Records of the City and County of San Francisco, State of California].
Children of José Ramos Flores [aka José Flores Ramos] and Enedina Gómez Barragán are:
1. i. José Rafael Ramos, born February 24, 1935 in San Francisco, California
ii. Gloria Diana Ramos, born June 13, 1936 in San Francisco, California
Ahnentafel, Generation No. 3
6. Leonardo Ramos deHaro was born___ and died ___
7. Leonor Flores was born on ___ and died___
6. Children of 6 Leonardo Ramos and 7 Leonor Flores [10, I will augment this later after talking to my sister Gloria]
i. Rafael
ii. Leonor
iii. Manuela
iv Socorro (Cuca)
ix José Ramos Flores, born March 24, 1903, died
x María Ramos Flores
9. Anselmo Gómez Bobadilla, born April 21, 1868, died December 2, 1950.
10. Celsa Barragán Serrano, born April 6, 1883, died December 21, 1965.
Anselmo Gómez Bobadilla [9] and Celsa Barragán Serrano [10] were married April 17, 1903.
[These dates were written on the side of a paper bag in my mother Enedina’s hand.]
The children of Anselmo Gómez Bobadilla and Celsa Barragán Serrano were:
9. i. María?
ii. Ramona Gómez Barragán
iii. Enedina Gómez Barragan, born August 12, 1907, died March 24, 1988.
iv Domitila Gómez Barragán de Sandozequi, born May 12, 1914 in El Valle de
Banderas, Nayarit, died ___
Ahnentafel, Generation No. 4.
Paternal Great Grandparents
11. José Ramos
12. Basilia deHaro
13. Librado Flores
14. María [ ] Flores
Maternal great Grandparents
15. Rafael Barragán
16. Soledad Serrano [She may have first married Barragán and then Navarro]
Maternal Great Aunt: Mercedes Serrano, sister of Soledad Serrano, married Norberto Navarro and had Paulino Navarro Serrano.
The Children of Rafael Barragán and Soledad Serrano included.
i. Celsa Barragán Serrano
Rafael Barragán, my maternal Great Grandfather, may have had a sister who married a Mr. Garcia and had Marcelino García Barragán
Enedina Gómez Barragán de Ramos [my mother]
Born August 13, 1907 in Autlán de Navarro, Jalisco [I have a copy of her handwritten birth certificate]
Registered in Birth Certificate as
Name: Enedina Gómez Barragán
Father: Anselmo Gómez Bobadilla
Mother: Celsa Barragán Serrano de Gómez
Paternal Grandfather: Atilano Gómez
Paternal Grandmother: Quirina Bobadilla
Maternal Grandfather: Rafael Barragán
Maternal Grandmother: Soledad Serrano
José Ramos Flores [my father]
Born August 2, 1903 in Zacatecas, Zacatecas [I have a copy of his birth certificate]
Registered in Birth Certificate as
Name: José Ramos Flores
Father: Leonardo Ramos
Mother: Leonor Flores
Paternal Grandfather: José Ramos
Paternal Grandmother: Basilia deHaro
Maternal Grandfather: Librado Flores
Maternal Grandmother: Maria Flores
I would like to trace my relationship to General Paulino Navarro Serrano. My mother referred to her “Tía Mercedes Serrano” who was the mother of General Paulino Navarro after whom the City of Autlán de la Grana was renamed. My mother had Paulino Navarro’s Sunday hat, white with the initials “PN” in braided gold. She also had several photographs of the general as a young man and soldier and as a general. My sister gave the hat to the museum in El Grullo, Jalisco, part of the municipality of Autlán de Navarro, where the general was born. I attach a brief biography of General Paulino Navarro. Navarro died in a battle where he was sent under the command of General Lázaro Cárdenas, who became President of Mexico and nationalized the foreign oil interests in 1938.
AUTLÁN DE NAVARRO [from Official web site of the city]
“De Navarro" le fue impuesto por el Congreso del Estado el 19 de julio de 1939 en honor del maestro y general Paulino Navarro, oriundo de este municipio, quién murió el 23 de diciembre de 1923, en defensa de las instituciones de la República
By decree number 4562, published the 27 of July of 1939, the city of Autlán of Grana would take the name of Autlán of Navarro in memory of General Navarro, native of Autlán de la Grana and teacher in this municipality, who died the 23 of December of 1923 in defense of the institutions of the Republic.
GENERAL PAULINO NAVARRO SERRANO [from Official web site of the city of Autlán de Navarro]
Born 1892 in El Grullo, part of Autlán de Navarro
Father: Norberto Navarro
Mother Mercedes Serrano, my mother’s aunt.
My grandmother Celsa Barragán Serrano might have been the sister of Mercedes Serrano, both being the daughters of Soledad Serrano. Thus Paulino Navarro would have been my mother’s cousin. What would General Paulino Navarro Serrano have been to me in relationship?
General Paulino Navarro Serrano (1892-1923)
Maestro y soldado de la revolución [from the Official web site of the city of Autlán de Navarro]
Hijo de Norberto Navarro y Mercedes Serrano.
Nació en Autlán en 1892 donde curso la instrucción primaria. De cuna humilde, trabajó como mozo en la casa del Dr. Alfredo Uribe donde se separó para ayudar a su hermana Lucía en sus labores como maestra en el Instituto del padre Manuel C. Silva, dedicándose los sábados y domingos a la zapatería.
Luego fue maestro en el propio instituto, pasando enseguida también como maestro a la escuela oficial de la que era directora la maestra María Mares.
Posteriormente partió a Cuautitlán, continuando en el magisterio; de ahí se trasladó a Colima, cursando la carrera de maestro normalista en la escuela “Porfirio Díaz”, donde se titula, pero estando allá, abraza la carrera de las armas, sentando plaza como pagador del regimiento.
Cuando la lucha revolucionaria se ubicó en el norte del país a Marcelino García Barragán, quien militaba en las filas de Maclovio Herrera, enviándolo al Colegio Militar. En Ciudad Juárez funge como gente del servicio aduanal y entre tanto ganaba ascensos y ya era Brigadier, siendo destinado a la ciudad de México como Comandante Militar de la Plaza.
Habiendo estallado la rebelión “delahuertista”, es enviado a Jalisco bajo las órdenes del Gral. Lázaro Cárdenas a combatir la infidencia encabezada por el Jefe de las Operaciones Militares en el Estado, Gral. Enrique Estrada.
Con una fuerza inferior numéricamente hablando, las fuerzas leales traban combate con las rebeldes al mando del general Rafael Buelna en el puertecito de Huejotitlán, cerca de Teocuitatlán, en cuya acción muere heroicamente el General Navarro, al saltar un nido de ametralladoras enemigas, el 23 de diciembre de 1923.
En su honor al haber muerto en defensa del gobierno legalmente constituido, el otrora Autlán de la Grana, desde el Decreto del Honorable Congreso del Estado de Jalisco del 19 de julio de 1939, ostenta el nombre de Autlán de Navarro.
Teacher and soldier of the revolution
Son of Norberto Navarro and Mercedes Serrano.
He was born in Autlán in 1892 where he received his primary education . Of humble birth, he worked as a servant in the house of Dr. Alfredo Uribe which he left to help his sister Lucia in her work as a teacher at the Institute of Father Manuel C. Silva, devoting his Saturdays and Sundays to shoemaking. [I spent my 17th summer in the home of Lucia Navarro de Perez in Hermosillo, Sonora where she was a professor at the University of Sonora]
He became a teacher at the Institute, and later became a teacher at the official [public] school of which the director was the teacher Maria Mares.
Later he went to Cuautitlan, continuing in teaching, from hence he moved to Colima, studying the career of normal school teacher at the "Porfirio Díaz" school, where he graduated, but while still here, he embraced the military profession and enlisted as the paymaster of the regiment.
When the revolutionary struggle moved to the North [of Mexico] Marcelino Garcia Barragan, who served in the ranks of Herrera, sent him [Paulino] to military school. In Ciudad Juarez Paulino Navarro served as an agent of the customs service; meanwhile he earned promotions to the rank of Brigadier, and was sent to the city of Mexico as Military Commander of the Plaza [City].
The Huertista rebellion, having been broken, Navarro is sent to Jalisco under the command of General Lázaro Cárdenas to combat disloyalty headed by the Chief of Military Operations in the State, General Enrique Estrada.
With a numerically inferior force, the loyalists join combat with the rebels under the command of General Rafael Buelna in the little port of Huejotitlan near Teocuitatlán. Paulino Navarro died heroically in action assaulting a nest of enemy machine guns, on 23 December 1923.
In his honor, for having died in the defense of the legally constituted government, the former Autlán de la Grana, by Decree of the Honorable Jalisco State Congress of July 19, 1939, now bears the name of Autlan de Navarro.
My second interest is to find my relationship to General Marcelino Garcia Barragán.
My mother used to refer to “mi tío Marcelino” who was Governor of of the State of Jalisco, and later, Minister of Defense of Mexico in 1968 when students were shot during protests in Mexico City just prior to the opening of the Olympics there From the narrative above, I surmise that General Barragán sent his relation, Paulino Navarro, to military school and may have been influential in his promotions to Brigadier.
Both Barragán and Navarro went to school in Autlán de la Grana [now Autlán de Navarro] Barragán’s mother, Virginia Barragán, may have been the aunt of my grandmother, Celsa Barragán Serrano
From Wikipedia in Spanish
Marcelino García Barragán fue hijo de Luis García y Virginia Barragán, sus primeros estudios los hizo en la ciudad de Autlán de la Grana y en 1920 ingresó al Heroico Colegio Militar, del cual desempeñaría como director de 1941 a 1943. A la edad de 18 años se enroló en la lucha de la Revolución mexicana, en la Brigada Juárez en el estado de Chihuahua y desde entonces se dedicó a la carrera de las armas, inicialmente partidario de Francisco Villa y la División del Norte, posteriormente militó en el Constitucionalismo, al cual se incorporó el 15 de mayo de 1915. En 1922 fue parte de la compañía de cadetes que el presidente Álvaro Obregón, envió a Sudamérica para asistir al centenario de la independencia de Brasil, fue combatiente de la Guerra Cristera y desempeñó jefaturas del Ejército en varios estados de la República.
Carrera política y militar [editar]
En 1943 resultó electo Gobernador de Jalisco, iniciando su periodo como Gobernador Constitucional del 1 de marzo del mismo año, sucediendo a Silvano Barba González, partidario de la precandidatura presidencial de Miguel Henríquez Guzmán, frente a la de Miguel Alemán Valdés, quien fue finalmente electo presidente, fue la razón de su destitución como Gobernador por el Congreso de Jalisco el 16 de febrero de 1947, dos semanas antes de cumplir con su periodo constitucional.[1]
Reapareció en la vida pública en el año de 1950 como presidente de la Federación de Partidos del Pueblo, organismo político que postuló la candidatura del general Miguel Henríquez Guzmán a la Presidencia de la República, esta vez ya fuera del PRI; en las elecciones resultó oficialmente electo Adolfo Ruiz Cortines, pero los henriquistas reclamaron fraude electoral e iniciarion los preparativos para un levantamiento armado, Marcelio García Barragán fue partidario de este levantamiento, que sin embargo nunca se llegó a producir,[2] tras lo cual a la Federación de Partidos del Pueblo se le canceló el registro como partido político y se retiró de la actividad pública. Documentos desclasificados en 2007 por el gobierno mexicano, mostraron que los servicios de espionaje de la Dirección Federal de Seguridad, descubrieron que García Barragán junto con otros henriquistas preparaban un golpe de estado que debería de producirse en diciembre de
1953 contra el presidente Adolfo Ruiz Cortines, aunque finalmente el plan fue abandonado.[3]
En 1960 el presidente Adolfo López Mateos lo reincorporó al activo del Ejército Mexicano nombrándolo comandante de la Decimoséptima Zona Militar con sede en la ciudad de Toluca, capital del Estado de México, y más tarde comandante de la vigésimo segunda zona militar con sede en la ciudad de Santiago de Querétaro, Querétaro.
El 1 de diciembre de 1964 el presidente Gustavo Díaz Ordaz lo designó Secretario de la Defensa Nacional, cargo que desempeñó durante los seis años de su gobierno, es por este cargo que más trascendencia tuvo García Barragán, sobre todo por la actuación de las fuerzas armadas bajo su mando en 1968, particularmente en la Matanza de Tlatelolco, tras este hecho se retiró del ejército y de toda actividad política, hasta su muerte el 3 de septiembre de 1979.
Su hijo Javier García Paniagua, fue también un político destacado.
José Rafael Ramos, Esq.
Loma del Zamorano #1
Colonia Loma Dorada
Querétaro, QRO 76060, México
Teléfono 011-52-442-213-0068
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