What would eliminating everyone who doesn't log in once a year
accomplish? Instead of a group researching and sharing information
about ancestors in the Jalisco area of Mexico, would this then morph
into a small group whose members live in California and can meet at
restaurants for a monthly luncheon and exchange of information on
their relationship to Moctezuma? Some of us lurkers keep tabs on the
information online until something that pertains to our research
comes up and we can participate.
By all means continue your luncheon meetings. They sound like fun.
But don't kick the rest of us off because our line of research hasn't
come up for a while. We keep reading, enjoying others information
and breakthroughs, and hoping a little smidgeon of information on our
lines will come across to allow us to participate in the
discussions. When they do, you'll hear from us.
Until then, I'll monitor the discussions unless I'm kicked off for
not belonging to the current line being researched and discussed.
¿Qué eliminando a cada uno que no lo hace conexión una vez al año
lograría? ¿En vez de un grupo que investigaba y que compartía la
información sobre antepasados en el área de Jalisco de México, este
entonces morph en un grupo pequeño que miembros viven en California y
puede satisfacer en los restaurantes para un alumerzo y un
intercambio de la información mensuales sobre su relación a
Moctezuma? Algunos de nosotros los lurker mantienen lengüetas en la
información en línea hasta algo que pertenece a nuestra investigación
viene para arriba y podemos participar. Sin falta continúe sus
reuniones del alumerzo. Suenan como la diversión. Pero no golpee el
resto con el pie de nosotros apagado porque nuestra línea de la
investigación no ha venido para arriba por un rato. Guardamos el
leer, gozando de otros información y las brechas, y esperar un poco
smidgeon de la información sobre nuestras líneas vendrá a través
permitir que participemos en las discusiones. Cuando lo hacen, usted
oirá de nosotros. Hasta entonces, supervisaré las discusiones a menos
que apagado me golpeen con el pie para no pertenecer a la línea
actual que es investigada y discutida. Linda
- Inicie sesión o registrese para enviar comentarios
Login once a year/Creating More Discussion
I think you are totally misunderstanding what I was suggesting. There is
a difference between "Login In" and the discussion that takes place on
the email distribution lists. I am in no means proposing that if you
don't say something "ONCE A YEAR" on the email discussion list you will
be eliminated from the group. No not the point. I am trying to find an
easy way for me to remove members from the group that are not truely
members. The Log In means you take your "USER NAME" and "PASSWORD" and
use them (log in) on the http://nuestrosranchos.org site.
When you do that it leaves a "signature" of sorts in that I can easily
see that you or anyone has logged into the site. So if a person hasn't
logged in after a year then I'll send them an email asking if they want
to remain members. If they say yes then fine they can remain members as
long as they have met the initial requirements: 1) do your own research
and 2) send in a representative tree showing their connection to our
area of research. BUT if the person never replies or replies with a "Not
Interested" then I'll go ahead and delete their membership.
So unless you want to get a message from me on 01 May 2007 just log in
once. . .you don't have to spend hours researching or anything just log
in. logging in takes about 1 minute and you are finished. In fact If you
log in immediately you will not have to worry about this until 01 May
2008 when the next time after this first time that I will be sending out
emails to people who haven't logged in for over a year.
What do you think is what I said still unclear?
ps: if you want more discussion about your particular area of research
why not do like I did when I originally started the Yahoo Ranchos. I
knew When I first started I didn't know anything so I decided to
surround myself with other researchers that were researching my area of
research thus originally the yahoo group was for Jalisco and Zacatecas
and then the members decided to add Aguascalientes. So if you go to
Ancestry or Roots web and do a message search for your particular areas
in Jalisco, Zacatecas, and Aguascalientes then find those that are
"Serious" Inquiries. Email those individuals and ask them to consider
membership in the http://nuestrosranchos.org group, But give them a
warning that it is only for those that are serious about their research
and tell them about the requirements of the group. Linda, get active in
finding others you can network with. . .believe me it has been a
blessing for me and my research and I just know that it will be for yours.
Linda R Romero wrote:
>What would eliminating everyone who doesn't log in once a year
>accomplish? Instead of a group researching and sharing information
>about ancestors in the Jalisco area of Mexico, would this then morph
>into a small group whose members live in California and can meet at
>restaurants for a monthly luncheon and exchange of information on
>their relationship to Moctezuma? Some of us lurkers keep tabs on the
>information online until something that pertains to our research
>comes up and we can participate.
>By all means continue your luncheon meetings. They sound like fun.
>But don't kick the rest of us off because our line of research hasn't
>come up for a while. We keep reading, enjoying others information
>and breakthroughs, and hoping a little smidgeon of information on our
>lines will come across to allow us to participate in the
>discussions. When they do, you'll hear from us.
>Until then, I'll monitor the discussions unless I'm kicked off for
>not belonging to the current line being researched and discussed.
>¿Qué eliminando a cada uno que no lo hace conexión una vez al año
>lograría? ¿En vez de un grupo que investigaba y que compartía la
>información sobre antepasados en el área de Jalisco de México, este
>entonces morph en un grupo pequeño que miembros viven en California y
>puede satisfacer en los restaurantes para un alumerzo y un
>intercambio de la información mensuales sobre su relación a
>Moctezuma? Algunos de nosotros los lurker mantienen lengüetas en la
>información en línea hasta algo que pertenece a nuestra investigación
>viene para arriba y podemos participar. Sin falta continúe sus
>reuniones del alumerzo. Suenan como la diversión. Pero no golpee el
>resto con el pie de nosotros apagado porque nuestra línea de la
>investigación no ha venido para arriba por un rato. Guardamos el
>leer, gozando de otros información y las brechas, y esperar un poco
>smidgeon de la información sobre nuestras líneas vendrá a través
>permitir que participemos en las discusiones. Cuando lo hacen, usted
>oirá de nosotros. Hasta entonces, supervisaré las discusiones a menos
>que apagado me golpeen con el pie para no pertenecer a la línea
>actual que es investigada y discutida. Linda
Login Once a year
Usted es José adecuado. Me disculpo sinceramente. Tenía un día de la
frustración y mi mente sacado en la dirección incorrecta. Éste es uno
de los mejores grupos en la tela y no merece el pettiness en mi email
anterior. Le agradezco por su respuesta paciente. Espero que el resto
del grupo me perdone, también. Linda Romero