Hello Alicia & Rose,
I like Maria and most likely others that have alteno ancestry
descend from Carlos Lomelini too, so please count me in too. The
prologue mentioned by Alicia lists several of our ancestors: Manuel
Gomez, Francisco Gtz. Rubio. If there is even more in the Duran book on
the Lomelin family, Alicia, would you mind sharing with us? This books
sounds so interesting...
Thanks, Irma Gomez Gtz aka Irma Gomez-Lucero
os Ranchos] Italians in Mexico
> To: research@lists.nuestrosranchos.org
> Message-ID:
> <3562acd40607151348g6ac2d57fv96bab07bc59c4717@mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
> Hi Rose,
> I too descend from Carlos Lomellini through two of Juana Lomelin's
> daughters. I also descend from Magdalena de Lavezares and have the
> same interest you do in learning about Italians in Mexico. I have
> found references to these lines in Mariano Gonzalez-Leal's book
> "Reto?os de Espa?a en la Nueva Galicia" Tomo II. There are also
> chapters In Jose Luis Vazquez's book on Genealogia de Nochistlan that
> trace the Lomellini's and the Lavezares descendancy.
> I would be happy to exchange data with you. Please e-mail me
> Maria Cortez
> Message: 14
>> Date: Sat, 15 Jul 2006 10:00:39 -0700 (PDT)
>> From: Alicia Carrillo
>> Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Italians in Mexico
>> To: research@nuestrosranchos.org
>> Message-ID: <20060715170039.42643.qmail@web81614.mail.mud.yahoo.com>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
>> Rose,
>> Here is a quote from the prologue by Mariano Gonzalez Leal in the
>> book, Los Duran de Nochistlan.
>> " Tambien hubo en Nochistl?n, sangre Genovesa, como la de los
>> Lavezzari-aqui conocidos por Lavezares, de quienes atr?s hemos
>> hablado-y la de los Lomellini -aqui reputados Lomelines-, Carlos de
>> Lomelin, a quien en la Relacion del siglo XVII se le hace,
>> curiosamente, espa?ol de los Reinos de Genova, procedia de una de las
>> siete Casas Nobles de G?nova, y fue estanciero pr?spero en
>> Mexticac?n. Establecido alli por 1624, cas? con do?a Maria de
>> Benavides, descendiente del viejo linaje Nochistlense de ese
>> apellido, habiendo nacido de alli cinco v?stagos: Gaspar, Carlos,
>> Juana, Domingo y Maria.
>> Juana cas? en Nochistl?n el 12 de Septiembre de 1621 con Rodrigo de
>> Carbajal y Ulloa; y viuda, pas? a segundas nupcias con el
>> Jalostitlense Don Francisco Guti?rrez de Hermosillo, hijo del capit?n
>> Francisco Guti?rrez Rubio y de Do?a Leonor de Hermosillo. Por estas
>> vias, gran parte de los linajes Jalostitlenses remontan su
>> ascendencia a los Lomelines de Nochistlan.
>> Domingo uni? su vida a la de do?a Juana de Mendoza, Jalostitlense;
>> hija de Manuel G?mez y de do?a Catalina Hurtado de Mendoza. Cuatro
>> varones y dos hembras resultaron del connubio; a traves de tres de
>> ellos se extendi?
>> generosamente el apellido en la regi?n.
>> Maria de Lomelin y de Benavides cas? con el criollo de la ciudad de
>> Mejico, Don Nicolas P?rez de Contreras. Una hija de este matrimonio,
>> Juana, que fue bautizada en Nochistlan el 3 de Febrere de 1643, cas?,
>> casi ni?a, con don Pedro Gallaga Mandarte y Rodriguez, hijo de Don
>> Pedro y de do?a Anna. Del matrimonio surgio el linage alte?o de los
>> Gallagas, rama materna del sacerdote y guerrillero don Miguel
>> Hidalgo-Costilla y Gallaga-Mandarte.
>> End of quote. There is much more information about the Lomellin's but
>> since it is not indexed for the names it is time consuming to extract
>> specific information and have not had the time to do it yet.
>> Alicia
>> San Jose, Ca
>> Rose Hardy wrote:
>> Does anyone know of any books, websites, passenger ship records
>> regarding Italians immigrating to Mexico say during the late 1500's
>> to early 1800's?
>> I've checked out the Archivos Espanoles En Red website:
>> http://aer.mcu.es/sgae/index_aer.jsp to see if I could find my
>> Italian ancestors who settled in Mexico, via Spain, but have come up
>> with a big zero. I have a copy of the book " La Emigracion Castellana
>> y Leonesa al Nuevo Mundo 1517-1700" by Maria del Carmen Martinez
>> Martinez and nothing in there as well.
>> The surnames involved are Lomellin, Lomelli (Carlos Lomellini about
>> 1600, children and grandchildren in Nochistlan, Zacatecas) and
>> Durazzo around Hermosillo, San Miguel de Horcasitas, Sonora in the
>> late 1700's to early 1800's.
>> Thanks
>> Rose
>> Fresno, CA
Italians in Mexico (Lomelini)
I personally have not connected with the Lomellini's but my sister-in-law has. She has a GGGGGGgrand-father Josef-Maria Ximenes de Lomelin born 17 May 1750 in Nochistlan, son of Joseph Ximenes and Antonia de Lomelin of Nochistlan, I don't have a birth or marriage date for Joseph Ximenes and Antonia de Lomelin yet and I may not have them for some time, unless I just happen to come across them being that they are not in my direct family line.
Good luck in your search,
----- Original Message ----
From: Irma GomezLucero
To: research@lists.nuestrosranchos.org
Sent: Monday, July 17, 2006 12:34:55 PM
Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Italians in Mexico (Lomelini) research Digest, Vol 6, Issue 16
Hello Alicia & Rose,
I like Maria and most likely others that have alteno ancestry
descend from Carlos Lomelini too, so please count me in too. The
prologue mentioned by Alicia lists several of our ancestors: Manuel
Gomez, Francisco Gtz. Rubio. If there is even more in the Duran book on
the Lomelin family, Alicia, would you mind sharing with us? This books
sounds so interesting...
Thanks, Irma Gomez Gtz aka Irma Gomez-Lucero
os Ranchos] Italians in Mexico
> To: research@lists.nuestrosranchos.org
> Message-ID:
> <3562acd40607151348g6ac2d57fv96bab07bc59c4717@mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
> Hi Rose,
> I too descend from Carlos Lomellini through two of Juana Lomelin's
> daughters. I also descend from Magdalena de Lavezares and have the
> same interest you do in learning about Italians in Mexico. I have
> found references to these lines in Mariano Gonzalez-Leal's book
> "Reto?os de Espa?a en la Nueva Galicia" Tomo II. There are also
> chapters In Jose Luis Vazquez's book on Genealogia de Nochistlan that
> trace the Lomellini's and the Lavezares descendancy.
> I would be happy to exchange data with you. Please e-mail me
> Maria Cortez
> Message: 14
>> Date: Sat, 15 Jul 2006 10:00:39 -0700 (PDT)
>> From: Alicia Carrillo
>> Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Italians in Mexico
>> To: research@nuestrosranchos.org
>> Message-ID: <20060715170039.42643.qmail@web81614.mail.mud.yahoo.com>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
>> Rose,
>> Here is a quote from the prologue by Mariano Gonzalez Leal in the
>> book, Los Duran de Nochistlan.
>> " Tambien hubo en Nochistl?n, sangre Genovesa, como la de los
>> Lavezzari-aqui conocidos por Lavezares, de quienes atr?s hemos
>> hablado-y la de los Lomellini -aqui reputados Lomelines-, Carlos de
>> Lomelin, a quien en la Relacion del siglo XVII se le hace,
>> curiosamente, espa?ol de los Reinos de Genova, procedia de una de las
>> siete Casas Nobles de G?nova, y fue estanciero pr?spero en
>> Mexticac?n. Establecido alli por 1624, cas? con do?a Maria de
>> Benavides, descendiente del viejo linaje Nochistlense de ese
>> apellido, habiendo nacido de alli cinco v?stagos: Gaspar, Carlos,
>> Juana, Domingo y Maria.
>> Juana cas? en Nochistl?n el 12 de Septiembre de 1621 con Rodrigo de
>> Carbajal y Ulloa; y viuda, pas? a segundas nupcias con el
>> Jalostitlense Don Francisco Guti?rrez de Hermosillo, hijo del capit?n
>> Francisco Guti?rrez Rubio y de Do?a Leonor de Hermosillo. Por estas
>> vias, gran parte de los linajes Jalostitlenses remontan su
>> ascendencia a los Lomelines de Nochistlan.
>> Domingo uni? su vida a la de do?a Juana de Mendoza, Jalostitlense;
>> hija de Manuel G?mez y de do?a Catalina Hurtado de Mendoza. Cuatro
>> varones y dos hembras resultaron del connubio; a traves de tres de
>> ellos se extendi?
>> generosamente el apellido en la regi?n.
>> Maria de Lomelin y de Benavides cas? con el criollo de la ciudad de
>> Mejico, Don Nicolas P?rez de Contreras. Una hija de este matrimonio,
>> Juana, que fue bautizada en Nochistlan el 3 de Febrere de 1643, cas?,
>> casi ni?a, con don Pedro Gallaga Mandarte y Rodriguez, hijo de Don
>> Pedro y de do?a Anna. Del matrimonio surgio el linage alte?o de los
>> Gallagas, rama materna del sacerdote y guerrillero don Miguel
>> Hidalgo-Costilla y Gallaga-Mandarte.
>> End of quote. There is much more information about the Lomellin's but
>> since it is not indexed for the names it is time consuming to extract
>> specific information and have not had the time to do it yet.
>> Alicia
>> San Jose, Ca
>> Rose Hardy wrote:
>> Does anyone know of any books, websites, passenger ship records
>> regarding Italians immigrating to Mexico say during the late 1500's
>> to early 1800's?
>> I've checked out the Archivos Espanoles En Red website:
>> http://aer.mcu.es/sgae/index_aer.jsp to see if I could find my
>> Italian ancestors who settled in Mexico, via Spain, but have come up
>> with a big zero. I have a copy of the book " La Emigracion Castellana
>> y Leonesa al Nuevo Mundo 1517-1700" by Maria del Carmen Martinez
>> Martinez and nothing in there as well.
>> The surnames involved are Lomellin, Lomelli (Carlos Lomellini about
>> 1600, children and grandchildren in Nochistlan, Zacatecas) and
>> Durazzo around Hermosillo, San Miguel de Horcasitas, Sonora in the
>> late 1700's to early 1800's.
>> Thanks
>> Rose
>> Fresno, CA
Ximenes - Lomeli
Hello Alicia, it's been many years since your post about your sister-in-law's lineage, but I was wondering if you or her found information on Joseph Ximenes and Antonia Lomelin's marriage or parents. I am from this line through their son Manuel Ximenes Lomelin born in August, 1721. I believe he may be the first born son. They had children through 1750. I found that their children's birth records are listed in Nochistlan, but are recorded as born in Mexticacan, Jalisco. I am just beginning the research of this line, but I found Lorenzo Ximenes and Ana Carranza -or Carasal, fitting the time frame and also recorded in Nochistlan as possible parents. Manuel married Luisa de Sandobal and they named one of their sons Lorenzo. I am from Manual's son Mariano and Luiza Martin de Campo's lineage. Thank you for any information you could share. Cynthia Jimenez
Joseph Ximenes Parents
Through Google I found this wonderful site that confirmed Joseph Ximenes' parents are Lorenzo and Anna Carranza.
Italians in Mexico (Lomelini) researchDigest, Vol 6, Issue 16
Yes, that Duran book does sound interesting. I'm still on the hunt for more
Italian information in Mexico on the net. Imagine my surprise to find out I
have two Italian lines not just one. I have other surnames that may be
Italian also but these are lines I'm having a problems with, Pompa and
Pisana in Aguascalientes. These people just seem to appear from no where...I
joke with my mother and tell her that they were delivered via an UFO.
Italians in Mexico (Lomelini) researchDigest, Vol 6, Issue 16
There is a town just outside of San Miguel de Allende that was settled
by Italians. They apparently still do beautiful tailoring work. In
SMdA there is a cheese shop called Formaggio. Marge:)
On Jul 17, 2006, at 8:33 PM, rose hardy wrote:
> Yes, that Duran book does sound interesting. I'm still on the hunt for
> more
> Italian information in Mexico on the net. Imagine my surprise to find
> out I
> have two Italian lines not just one. I have other surnames that may be
> Italian also but these are lines I'm having a problems with, Pompa and
> Pisana in Aguascalientes. These people just seem to appear from no
> where...I
> joke with my mother and tell her that they were delivered via an UFO.
> Rose