By ken alva |
Got your request. Some of my fondest memories of my Mom are of the way she
would use hand gestures to emphasize a point. Such as touching the tip of her
index finger to the area below the outside corner of her eye, then pulling
corner down to slightly expose the area below the eyeball. She would do this and
say something like "Vease bien, mijo" when making a point that I should keep
an eye on something, or someone; or look into it more deeply.
My Mom's Father's family comes from La Noria de San Pantaleon, Zacatecas.
Has anyone crossed this area in their research? I believe it is near
Sombrerete, Zacatecas.
Ken Alva
Southern California
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Map Requests/was: Reply for Joseph
I can see your mom now, thanks. I looked for a map of the rancho close
to Sombrerete, but it is lacking in my collection. I must now go back to
UNC and have a look for their 1:50000 scale map of the Sombrerete. I
hope it is still there because if it is them it should be on a detailed
map like that. I'll be going to UNC in the next month or so and will try
to make a point of getting a digital image of the area.
Does anyone else on the list have any Map requests? Tell me and I'll try.
joseph wrote:
>Got your request. Some of my fondest memories of my Mom are of the way she
>would use hand gestures to emphasize a point. Such as touching the tip of her
>index finger to the area below the outside corner of her eye, then pulling
>corner down to slightly expose the area below the eyeball. She would do this and
> say something like "Vease bien, mijo" when making a point that I should keep
>an eye on something, or someone; or look into it more deeply.
>My Mom's Father's family comes from La Noria de San Pantaleon, Zacatecas.
>Has anyone crossed this area in their research? I believe it is near
>Sombrerete, Zacatecas.
>Ken Alva
>Southern California
Map Requests/was: Reply for Joseph
Hello Everyone!
Just to let you know that Josie Treviño is the proud grandmother of a little
girl, "Emily". Born in "Swisa"...Switzerland.
Emily and Other Ranchos Babies
Maybe we should have a special welcome committee for all the Ranchos
babies. Yes I know they weren't born in one of our Ranchos, but their
genes came out from one of our Ranchos and nothing will ever change that.
Well I know there have been other Ranchos babies born this year and last
year and I would be happy for those of you who know who I'm talking
about to make your announcements public, but I'll not out of respect for
your privacy. I would just like to say CONGRATULATIONS to all of you and
especially to this newest one, Emily in Swisa, Switzerland (can I come
for a visit?).
Does anyone on the list practice the silver dollar tradition?????
My mom (hey don't dad's have traditions?), well anyway my mom would say
that when the child gets just a little older than new born you are
suppose to take a silver dollar and touch its hand with it. If the baby
takes the dollar then it is a sign of a life of prosperity if the baby
doesn't it means otherwise. Hmmm, I can see how this one might not be
popular to practice because I'm sure some of the babies don't grasp the
joseph wrote:
>Hello Everyone!
>Just to let you know that Josie Treviño is the proud grandmother of a little
>girl, "Emily". Born in "Swisa"...Switzerland.