Does anyone have access to the dispensation records for people married in
Tepetongo-Parish of Jerez) around 1829?
I have a marriage record for the brother of my ggg-grandfather, Jose
Valentin Olague. The brother's name is Dionisio Olague, and he married a
Ma. Juliana Valdes on 7/26/1829 in Tepetongo, Zacatecas. He was born in
Salitrillo in 1809 and she was born in Aguichote (sp?) in 1813. His
parents were Paulin Olague and Espiridiana [Maria del Espiritu Santo] Mata, her
parents were Jose Maria Valdes and Dionisia Zuniga. The padrinos were
Anto. Olague and Tomasa Olague, the witnesses were Don Antonio Gomes and
Fernanda Vaes.
In the body of the marriage record there is a statement that I roughly
translate to: "required dispensation for the 4th degree of affinity"). I
would like to see the dispensation record.
thanks all,
Emilie Garcia,
Port Orchard, WA ---
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Dispensation Record Look-Up Request
Emilie, Have you tried to order the film for that date and Parish under Informacion Matrimonial. It is usually recorded right about the time they were married in Informacion Matrimonial. They record it when they first make the request to get married and then again when the dispensation is issued and granted just before they get married. They would usually marry about 3-4 weeks after the dispensation was granted and the bans had been posted in the parish and occasionally I have seen some documents that state they were married before posting the bans due to urgency of some sort. Alicia Avelar Olmos de Carrillo
Emilie Garcia <> wrote:
Informacion Matrimonial
Thanks, Allicia,
I was just hoping someone had that film on permanent loan and could look up that one for me.
Emilie Garcia
Port Orchard, WA.
It is better to die on your feet than to live on your knees--Emilano Zapata
And this one tan bien?
It is better to die on your feet than to live on your knees--Emilano Zapata
From: "glo Sandoval-Fuentes"
Subject: [ranchos] [Nuestros Ranchos] TEST
Date: Tue, 28 Mar 2006 22:32:06 +0000
It is better to die on your feet than to live on your knees--Emilano Zapata