Does anyone have any information on "Julio Mercado" born in the early 1800's in Jerez, Zac.? He was married to Francisca Pacheco Alvarado. I found several of their children's marriage and death records, but not their birth records because there is a gap in these church records from 1850-1866 in Jerez. The films on this site show a listing of these missing years, but I did not actually find these years' records in them. His death record lists his parents as "Gerardo Alvarado - not Mercado" and Eufemia Rodriquez, but I question this since that is the exact same name of the informants 'maternal' grandfather. I can not find any records of any kind for these parents; Gerardo and Eufemia. His age at death of 105 in 1916 is also questioned since he lists his age in earlier documents as being born in the late 1820's and/or early 1830's. I've hit a brick wall for years on this line. Cynthia
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Julio Mercado - Jerez, Zac
Dear Cynthia,
Though I don’t have more information on Julio Mercado’s parents, I do have a couple of puzzle pieces to add that may lead to more information. It seems that Julio is a couple of decades older than his wife Francisca Alvarado, so he may have had a previous marriage. Another lead is that his wife “Francisca Alvarado” is shown as “Francisca Pacheco” in two records.
Good luck,
Rick A. Ricci
Julio Mercado - Jerez, Zac.
I found an engagement record dated 12/26/1846 for Francisca in Zacatecas, Zacatecas where she was to be married to Heleno Cabrera. This record lists her parents which match other records, and states her age and place of origin as Maguey, Zac. There are other Pacheco Alvarado family members with records in Maguey, but I don't know what came of this marriage or Heleno Cabrera. The timing matches with Julio and Francisca's daughter Dorotea's birth around 1850 if they were married a couple of years before her birth.
I found Julio listed as a padrino in his brother-in-law's Jerez marriage information record in April 1862 where he list his age as 25, and he states he has know his brother-in-law for ten years. This is my first record of Julio. There is also Julio's daughter Bonifacia's Jerez 1863 death record at age 7 where Julio and Francisca's ages are listed as 20 which is completely wrong since the child was 7. Bonifacia's death record was hard to find because the mother's name was originally indexed incorrectly. All their children's birth records fall in the missing years in Jerez. Julio lists his age as 35 in his daughter Dorotea's 1867 marriage record. It's difficult because he never uses any other name or initial in the records I've found so far.
Thank you for your reply,
Julio Mercado - Jerez, Zac.
Hello Cynthia,
I took a look at the engagement record that you mentioned, and that makes it three records with the surname “Pacheco” for Francisca. It is great that this record identifies that her surname “A. Pacheco” comes from her father, Jose Gerardo Alvarado Pacheco. I am assuming that the “A.” Stands for “Alvarado” since all the other records that we have seen from this family identify them with the “Alvarado” surname. It is also fortunate that this record identifies her age and has her being born circa 1826.
Joseph Gerardo (Xerado)Alvarado Pacheco y Garcia is the son of Joseph Alvino Alvarado and Juana Maria Josepha Garcia.
Joseph Gerardo Alvarado Pacheco y Garcia was baptized on 2/July/1769 in Malpaso, Villanueva, Zacatecas.…
I don’t know the names of the parents of Juana Maria Hernández.
Good luck in your research,
Rick A. Ricci
Julio Mercado - Jerez, Zac.
Geraldo's Alvarado Pacheco Garcia's first wife Alvina de la O' born 4/17/1774 in Jerez died in childbirth of their twins on 01/09/1810 in Jerez. His father; Alvino died 09/09/1811 in Jerez. He was married to Julia Escobar at the time. I found two daughters for Alvino; La Trinidad June 7, 1766 in Jerez, and Damiana (Julia's daughter), The padrinos for
La Trinidad's birth were Lorenzo Pacheco and Josepha Pacheco. This is the furthest back (Alvino Pacheco Alvarado) I can go on the Alvarado Pacheco line at this time.