Dear Primos:
i am stuck here, with the Rubalcava-Gallardo Family. i have Four [4] Baptismal Records, All from Lagos de San Juan & from Family Search. their Parents were: Francisco Rubalcava & Elena Gallardo. those Baptismal Records, of that era, Do Not mention the Grand-Parents. i am a descendant of Ma. Trinidad Velis-Rubalcava. i do have the Retoños Book, all Volumes, & believe it or not, this linage, are not mentioned.! when i saw that Ma. Trini was a Rubalcava, i went: that'za easy one.! Wrong. searched of course, the González de Rubalcava first & went through every variation, of that surname, to no avail. cannot find anything either, on this mysterious Elena Gallardo.? no Marriage Record, nothing. Their son: Joachin Vicente, is my Ancestor, Ma. Trini's Abuelo Materno. it is mentioned, in the Rubalcava Section of the Retoños Book, that "two offspring of unknown name, mentioned by his grandmother, Doña Beatriz López de Fuenllana; in her will, cited in the González de Rubalcava chapter." am wondering if this Francisco, is one of those children.? Any information, would be greatly appreciated. johann
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los Rubalcava-Gallardo de San
When asking for help, it is important to provide as much information as you can . You should add midddle names and any padrinos that you have found in the documents that you have already combed through. Another thing would be to write the different variations of Rubalcava that you have used in your search since there are many abbreviations for this name. The more information that you can provide, the easier it is for someone to pick up the search where you left off.
I found a record with Francisco using Xavier as a middle name. I can’t name how many variations of abbreviations of the Rubalcava I have seen as after a few minutes I can think of another one. Some of the abbreviations include different variations of Gonzalez along with Rubalcava.
It would also be helpful to know the names of the children that you have already found. Providing more specific dates also helps, especially the ages of the youngest child you have found along with the oldest child.
Francisco Xavier Gonzalez de Rubalcava was baptized on 23/October / 1707, in Jalostotitlan, Jalisco, parents Miguel Gonzalez de Rubalcava and Maria Fernández de Rueda. This Francisco Xavier Gonzalez de Rubalcava would have born too late to have children in 1715.
Looking at the dates and location leads me to believe that it is a strong possibility that your Francisco Xabier Gonzalez de Rubalcava is the same person of that name that is the son of Fulgencio González de Rubalcava and Maria Laris that has children with Estefania Alcala.
Rick A. Ricci