By 245luigi |
I visited my parents for christmas and my dad happened to be doing inventory on his massive coin collection. For the first time ever I saw it in its entirety. They were pretty neat so I decided to start myself.
Now in all of history so many different coins have been made, so I decided I needed a focus for my collection. I decided I would collect coins that my ancestors would have used.
So if you guys were curious, here are some pictures of what reales looked like that were minted in colonial Mexico.
Now we know what coins they used to pay for those notary pages!
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1793 8 Reales
I had significant grandparents born and another pair married in 1793 in Zacatecas. I was able to find a 1793 piece of 8 that was minted in Zacatecas. I find it interesting to hold in my hand something that my ancestors might have held in their hands and used in exchange for goods.
Genealogical Coin Collecting
Yea I wish I did. I have from 1730s and later. Before that they were "cob" coins. I don't know enough about those yet to make an educated purchase but they are on my radar!
Piece of Eight
The 8 reales coin was referred to as a “piece of 8” because it was divided into 8 parts, or bits. The coins were 1, 2, 4, and of course 8 reales. These coins also circulated widely in Colonial American, and around the world. The two reales coin was equivalent to 25¢, hence the term 2 bits. 50¢ was 4 reales, or 4 bits.
Piece of Eight
Thanks for the info! I've got maybe 30 or so of the coins (1/2 real - 8 reales) now ranging from 1730-1820. According to an inflation calculator, the 4 reales is about $20 in todays dollars. Not a bad coin!
Coins of Mexico
The coins of Mexico are fascinating, and a mirror of its history. They begin not too long after Cortes. If you have any from the 1500s, they are real treasures!