Toribio Hernandez Arellano Sanchez
Because of the confusion of multiple people with the same name, most people have parts of the genealogy screwed up. Going by what I put together and a puzzle piece by dr. Abraham Haim, an expert on Sephardic genealogy, I have from pre 1300 in Barcelona and Avignon France to Toribio Hernandez de Arellano.
The Jewish ancestry and French ancestry that Mariano Gonzalez Leal says we don't have is this line. Most, if not all, the lines of the founding families' descendants married descendants of Toribio.
This Jewish line is not your typical Sephardic line. This line is Ashkenazic, from France.
[• There are several subgroups of Jews with different culture and traditions:
Ashkenazic: Descendants of Jews from France, Germany and Eastern Europe
Sephardic: Descendants of Jews from Spain, Portugal, North Africa and the Middle East
Mizrachi: Descendants of Jews from North Africa and the Middle East
• Other subgroups are Yemenite, Ethiopian and Oriental]
Dr Haim put the the piece that said our sanchez line descended through juan Sanchez de calayatud (Isaac Golluf) and not his brother Pedro Sanchez de Calayatud. I knew that Toribios grandfather Alonson Sanchez descended from Alazar Golluf but had originally thought that the descent was though his son Pedro. Dr Haim is the highest authority on these matters so if he says that he descends from Isaac Golluf (Juan Sanchez) then I will go along with him.
Most people also confuse Toribio's grandfather, Alfonso Sanchez(II) with his uncle, Alfonso (1) that was the one that left Aragon, went to Italy, and was burned in effigy.
Here goes, hold on tight.
Two lines from Toribio, the first to my wife's maternal grandfather.
The second line is to
Perdona que a veces escribo en ingles y a veces en espanol.
Los Altos de Jalisco main Jewish line
The house of David, the same house as Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ.
1). Nahir Suxen (abt. 1295) is the father of Bonastruga (Bona Astruga)
1). Solomon Golluf (caballero, resident of Barcelona) (abt 1295).
2). ↑ Samuel Golluf (resident of Avignon) married to ↑Bonastruga and are the parents of two children,
Siblings : Azach (Acaqui) Golluf & Rebeca Golluf (her fame: beauty and can sing)
3). ↑ Azach (Acaqui) Golluf and his wife Oro (daughter of Azach (Ishaq) Xaprut)
Azach Xaprut is the son of Yosef Xaprut, (one source claims that Joseph Amali is Oro's father and that her name is Oro Amali but I have a evidence that explains why I believe this is a mistake. Oro Xaprut should not be confused with other members of the family named Oro or Orosol.
4) ↑Alazar (Alatzar) Golluf Iben David miembro de una ilustre y antigua familia de Zaragoza (d. 1389).
Cousin to Todric Ha Levi family, all descendants of the house of David
Alazar Golluf, miembro de una ilustre y antigua familia de Zaragoza, fue tesorero del rey don Juan I de Aragón y de su esposa Violante. Su alta posición le permitió ocuparse de los asuntos de la población judía incluso fuera de los límites de la aljama donde habitaba. De la casa de David. I don't know if the descent from david is through a paternal or maternal line.
Alcazar Golluf is Treasurer of the Queen Violante of Aragon and the most prominent Jewish courtier at the time in Aragon.
Tom Tov ben Hannah (Abenhanya), a scribe of the Jewish community of Montalban wrote a description of Alazr Golluf's death as a tragedy for all Aragonese Jews. In his letter he wonders who will defend the Jews of Aragon:
"Woe to us! Who can stand before the sons of kings;
To cast light before the face of he who walked in darkness;
And to open, in straits, blind eyes?;
Who can express [his] mighty acts;
With enemies at the gate, a voice on high?
For this our heart is faint,
Our dance has turned into mourning;
We have brought down as a ghost out of the ground;
Our voice is lower than low, a still voice;
Who can stand up to repair the breach;
And to complete that which is wanting without number,
Among the wretched Jews;
Who have lost their value, high of stature hewn down."
Alcazar's father is living in Avignon, France
Alcazar Golluf and Oro Xaprut are the parents of
5)↑Isaac Goluff Iben David. Aka Juan Sanchez de Calatayud converted to Catholicism months after father's death in August of 1389. (B. Before 1370.) He changed his name when he converted. {2} [ a big schism happens with the family when Isaac Golluf/Juan Sanchez converts. His wife files for divorce and some Jewish family members conspire to poison him. There is a big story here that takes many pages on the division between the newly converted converses and those that stayed Jewish. This division culminates decades later in the death of the inquisitor Pedro Arbues who is named a saint by the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church covers up his evilness to the Jews to this day. It is mostly the Jewish side / forced converts part of the family that conspires to kill Pedro Arbues ( though some of the true conversos of the family take part). Killing Pedro Arbues backfires and many people that were on the fence or felt sympathy for Jews and conversos become enraged at Jews and conversos and no longer back them.
When the horrors of the inquisition hit the Iberian peninsula in the 14th century
"Los judíos españoles jamás habían experimentado un horror semejante, con lo que, junto con los exilios, al norte de África principalmente, comienzan las conversiones masivas. Antes ya se habían producido, ya que la situación de los hebreos en España nunca fue del todo cómoda, y hacerse cristiano permitía alcanzar dignidades y puestos en la administración, así como amasar fortuna sin ningún tipo de cortapisas. De este modo las primeras conversiones acontecen entre los estratos más altos de la sociedad judía, como es el caso de Isaac Golluf, hijo del tesorero de la reina doña Violante, esposa de Juan I, bautizado en 1389 como Juan Sánchez de Calatayud con una motivación meramente oportunista, o Salomón ha - Leví, rabino de Burgos, y que tras abrazar el Cristianismo en 1390, acabó como obispo de la ciudad bajo el nombre de Pablo de Santa María. Pero a partir de 1391 las conversiones fueron masivas y alcanzaron a judíos pobres y ricos por igual, y la motivación, más que responder a un mero oportunismo político, era otra muy diferente, el miedo."{3}
"Haim recordó algunos apellidos de judíos bilbilitanos, como Lupiel, Constantin, Abayud… El médido Todos Ib ben David se llamó más tarde Juan Sánchez, antecesor de Gabriel Sánchez, tesorero mayor del Reino de Aragón y consejero real, que fue decisivo en la expedición de Cristóbal Colón. Los judíos conversos cambiaban el nombre y el apellido."{4}. ( Gabriel is #8's oldest sibling)
Isaac Goluff Iben David. Aka Juan Sanchez de Calatayud
(Aka Isaac ibn Eleazar Golluf ha Levi in one document). Is the father of (6)
{Isaac has a younger brother Alazar "el menor" named after his paternal grandfather who is called "el Mayor" in his old age to distinguish him from his grandson. His grandfather is upset over the conversion of the older siblings so he skips the older ones in his will. The youngest, Alazar inherits and then converts much later, most likely after his grandfather passes away. The youngest has children from his first wife but she leaves him a widow and he remarries at a much older age and has many children with his much younger wife. It is the group of siblings from this second marriage that is confused by many to be first cousin of #8, Alfonso Sanchez (II). Because this Alazar is much younger than his brothers, and his children from his second wife were born much later, there is a split in the family where Isaacs family covers five generations where Alazars (el menor) family only covers three generations in the same time period. This totally confuses the people that try to explain the family tree and it causes many errors. Also, there was some friction in the family as a few (first conversos) were rich and caballeros and the more recent conversos were not as well off and struggling.)
6)↑ Pedro Sanchez ((I) (title:Caballero), married to Alfonsina Baron (o Varon)
His title of Caballero brought many advantages to his grandsons. His title allows his grandsons to "gosar de todos los privilegios y inmunidades que descendientes de caballeros y hidalgos acostumbran gosar los caballeros y hidalgos en el presente reino de Aragon".{5}
Caballero Pero (Pedro) Sanchez I and Alfonsina Baron are the parents of:
7) ↑ Pedro (Pero) Sanchez (II) married to Blanquina Palau
This a family of "comerciante ennoblecidos por el servicio a la Monarquia de Aragon.
Pedro Sanchez and Blanquina Palau have many children. Among the many children are Gabriel Sanchez, Francisco Sanchez, Guillen Sanchez, Luis Sanchez, Francisca Sanchez Caverllaria, Alfonso Sanchez (he is our ancestor), and others. There are many children and they have interesting stories that are recorded in history that I will add later). Gabriel and Alonso are friends of Christopher Colombus. They knew each other because of Christopher Colombus's father, Domenico Colonne who was also a merchant that exported throughout the same area that Alfonso was involved in business. A nephew of Alfonso Sanchez is Rodrigo Sanchez de Segovia who, among others, convinced Christopher Colombus that it was financially prudent to make slaves of the Indians in order to sell them. Rodrigo was on the first trip as veedor (inspector). Juan de San Pedro Sanchez (a brother or nephew, depending on the source) was also involved and convicted of the conspiracy to assassinate Pedro Abreus. {5}{6}{7}
8) ↑ Alfonso Sanchez (II) Palau. Aka (Alonso Sanchis) (b.1481) (d.3/June/1522) married to Leonor Dalmau
"Uno de los mayores operadores mercantiles" from Greece through all of the Mediterranean to Portugal and north to Ireland, England, France and north of France.
There are two main stories for Alfonso but he is also in many business records. The first, and false, allegation is that he is involved, with family members in the conspiracy to assassinate the inquisitor, and later saint, Pedro of Abreus. But it wasn't him, it was his relative with the same name who was a jurist. The second story is also important, and it is about how he is involved in a totally illegal sale of grains, while the people are hungary in Aragon, and to top it off he mixes old rotting grain to the good grain to make even more money. In both stories King Ferdinand protects him though there is obvious guilt in the second scandal and suspicion in the first.
They only had one son:
9) ↑ Miguel Sanchez Dalmau (d.1538) married to Isabel Hernandez de Hijar y Ramirez de Arellano.
They had at least two sons. The eldest, Alfonso Sanchez (III) Hernandez was named after his paternal grandfather and took over his business and position as lugarteniente tesorero. Toribio was a younger son. Toribio may have come over with another sibling that went to what is now New Mexico but this is only a theory right now that I am exploring.
10) ↑ Toribio Hernandez de Arellano (b. 1530) married to Isabel Hurtado de Mendoza (b.<1542)
Toribio Hernandez de Arellano Sanchez's father passed away when he was about eight years old. His mother mostly likely took her younger children with her as she went back under the family umbrella of her parents, the Fernandez de Hijar y Ramirez de Arellano family. So Toribio spent his teenage years being cared for by the Hernandez de Hijar Ramirez de Arellano family and that is why he took the last name Hernandez de Arellano.
His much older brother Alfonso Sanchez (III) Hernandez Hijar inherited his lugarteniente tesorero de Valencia position and his merchant business. By the time Alfonso III inherited, the position did not have the same power that his grandfather had built up. His grandfather had created a very powerful position through his actions but he overplayed his hand with his arrogance and it was also because of his actions, and those of his family, that the position slowly lost power so even though his son and grandson took over this same position, by the time his grandson had it, the "power" associated with the position had been diminished tremendously but a distant cousin became governor of Aragon. Toribio's brother Alfonso III would still have had enough influence to help him go to Nueva Galicia despite the laws against it.
There are three Alfonso Sanchez in the family. There is Alfonso Sanchez,the jurist, whom I call Alfonso I, there is Alfonso Sanchez II the lugarteniente tesorero and grandfather of Alfonso III Sanchez Hernandez , the brother of Toribio Hernandez Arellano Sanchez.
The prestige that the family has held over the centuries was enough to make the connection and have two of Toribio's daughters have the Sanchez surname over the prestigious surnames of Hurtado de Mendoza, Fernandez de Hijar, and Ramirez de Arellano. There is no other Sanchez family that could have pulled this off.
Two lines, the first line is through Isabel to my wife's maternal grandfather
The second line is to my maternal grampndfather.
First line through Isabel, daughter of (7) Toribio, to my wife's grandfather.
11) ↑Isabel de Mendoza (b.1565) (m.29/Oct/1586)
12). ↑Maria Ornelas Mendoza (b1595) (m.28/Apr/1614)
13)↑Diego Marquez de Olivos Ornelas (b.1620)(buried: 18/Mar1672)
14) ↑Catarina Marquez Martin del Campo (b.1666) (d.10/Jan/1729)
15). ↑ Jose Gonzalez Rubio Marquez (b.1712)(d.21/Apr/1779)
16) ↑Maria Monica de la Trinidad Gonzalez Rubio Garcia (m.28/Jul/1773)
17). ↑Jose Rafael Lugardo Ortiz Gonzalez-Rubio (m.4/Feb/1801)
18) ↑Maria Cesaria Ortiz Garcia (c. 30/Aug/1820)(m.24/Apr/1839)
19). ↑Pablo Jimenez Ortiz (c. 23/Jan/1841)(m.11/Feb/1861)
20)↑Althanasia Jimenez Galvan (b. 4/May/1866)
21) ↑Pablo Lomelin Jimenez (b. 5/Jan/1905)
The second line is through Ana Sanchez, daughter of (7) Toribio
11). ↑Ana Sanchez de Mendoza (b.abt 1554) (m.abt 1575)
12). ↑Juan Becerra H. De Mendoza (b.abt1586)(m.abt1628)
13) ↑Maria Galindo (Becerra Galindo) (b.1630)
14) ↑Jose Gutierrez de Hermosillo Becerra (b. 1675) ( m.22/Feb/1702)
15). ↑Anna Beatriz Gutierrez Ornelas (m. 17/Nov/1746)
16) ↑Anna Bacilia Orosco Gutierrez (b.1767) (m. 18/Feb/1784) (El esposo, Jose Francisco Rodrguez de Hijar tambien desciende de Los Fernandez de Hijar ).
17)↑Maria Apolonia (Polonia) Rodriguez de Hijar Orosco (c.24/Jun/1794) (m.4/Jun/1811)
18) ↑Pedro Franco Rodriguez (c.13/May/1817) (m.19/May/1841)
19). ↑Marcelino Franco y Perez-Franco (b. 4/Mar/1844) (m.4/Mar/1844)
20) ↑Maria Serapia Franco Barba (c.14/Nov/1883)(m.1903)
21). ↑Jose Hermenegildo Romo Franco (b.13/Apr/1904) (the Jalos record states that he was born a day earlier, on 12/Apr/1904. The other record states the thirteenth. My first cousin, Judy, says to not change the date because we always celebrated it on the thirteenth. Judy was born on the 13th of April and we always celebrated their birthdays on the same day.
[Important Additional information:
Because of a libro verde that has confused many people, many trees that are being used do not follow from #5through #8. I need to write out where they go wrong and add details as to the wives.
Reminder The cousins to #8 that many people list are not actual first cousins. Their father, Luis, is actually brother to number 5, eights (Alfonso Sanchez (II) great grandfather. Luis's grandchildren are closer in age to #8 and his siblings. Actually # 8 Alfonso (II) is one of the youngest siblings so his older brothers may be closer to the ages of Luis's children from his second marriage. This is important to know when I give you more stories about these families.]
{months ago, I was about to send Mary Lou the family tree that I have put together that puts together the pieces that show who Toribio Hernandez de Arellano's parents are when I found a record in a Libro Verde that just destroyed what I thought was a high probability. I went to bed thinking that all my work on him, over thirty years of looking for his parents, had just gone down the drain. The record stated that they had no children. The record in this libro verde did have what I knew to be another mistake when it stated that the wife was an illegitimate daughter which I knew was false, so I held a slight, very slight hope, that it was mistaken since I had information that they did have children.
What made this even more depressing was that just before finding this horrible record, I had been super happy because I had just found information adding two more generations of this family taking it from the late 1300's to about 1295. Not only two generations but some story and information to go with the names. I had also found a beautiful letter written about Toribios great great great grandfather when he passed away. I was just about to send it when I found this devastating record.
The following morning I took another look at the record that had killed what I thought was a very high probability. It was so high that I was ready to say "this is it, these are his parents, no doubt about it, the pieces just fit too well". I was humbled all night and did not sleep well. I took another look at the record, with very little hope, but I couldn't resist looking at the note that destroyed my work. It turns out that there is a note attached on the side stating that this record is in error as there were documented sons of this couple. I had at least two sons for this couple, the younger son being Toribio. It turns out that my other information is correct and that I do have a very high probability having found his parents.
I do not have a document in Mexico stating who his parents are. The pieces of the puzzle for Toribio Hernandez Arellano do fit together to be the son of this couple. Only this record, that has been shown to be in error by the same source, was the main obstacle. This record actually made two mistakes and that is what gave me a slight hope, because I already knew that if there is one mistake, there is a chance of another. The reason that it has been difficult to find Toribios record in Mexico is that when he traveled to Mexico they may have been listed under his fathers surname, Sanchez, instead of his mother's Hernandez. The other reason is that when he traveled to Mexico he may have not bothered to register on board as it was illegal for him to travel as a known judeoconverso. Cousins of his that were Jewish traveled to South America legally but a big fuss was made about their religion and it became more difficult for Jews to travel to the "new world". Because of family connections it may have been easier to slip on board listed as a crew member since his family had connections with the ships captains and owners, along with royal connections as Toribio's brother, Alfonso Sanchez (III) Hernandez had taken over for their father in working for Aragon and in his shipping businesses. Two of Toribios daughters are surnamed Sanchez, not because of their mother, Isabel Hurtado de Mendoza, as many genealogists have assumed, but because of their paternal grandfather, Miguel Sanchez Dalmau.
I was hoping to share this information with Mariano Gonzalez Leal at the Aguasclientes conference this August but I won't be able to attend. I used to have his email but when my employer erased my emails when they switched to a different system I lost all of my contacts where I had communicated only through that email address. He will be happy to see the information even though it adds more judeoconverso family to the mix contrary to what he states in his book. He will love the letter and the info on the family from the fourteenth century and previous centuries. What he won't like is the scandals that Toribios grandfather and great uncles were involved in. There are family interactions with Cristobal Colon that are also interesting stories. There are other connections between the Sanchez and Italy.
Anyone wanting a specific document stating that the Toribio Hernandez of Nueva Galicia is the same one that is the son of Miguel Sanchez Dalmau will be disappointed because that I do not have. However we do have more threads to pull in our search because we now have more information showing a high probability of who his father is and that the record may be found in Mexico using the Sanchez surname and not the Hernandez surname that everyone was using in their search.}
I have not finished my book. I have more stories to add to show how all the pieces of the puzzle come together. My research into the Lomellini, Fernandez de Hijar, Christopher Colon, and the Perestrello families all came together and contributed to putting the pieces of the puzzle together. These families ended up being connected like a spider web, some by blood, others by business associates.
Rick A. Ricci
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Isabel Hurtado de Mendoza
As you mentioned in another post, Toribio's wife, Isabel Hurtado de Mendoza is not the daughter of Diego Hurtado de Mendoza y Pacheco (who never came to Mexico) and this screws up the genealogy of a lot of people.
I have been looking for the possible parents of Isabel and found one possibility in Diego Hurtado de Mendoza y Aragon (1500-1566) and Maria Mendoza Fonseca (1510-1554).
Are these the real parents of Isabel?
Anothe candidate I have been thinking about is Diego Hurtado de Mendoza, son of Rodrigo Hurtado de Mendoza (1479-?) who was a illegitimate son of Iñigo "el Gran Tendilla" Lopez de Mendoza y Quiñones and Inés de Tapia. Isabel would be the daugther of Inés del Valle y Leyva.
Another question: where could I buy your books?
Best regards.
Azach and Alazar's wives
Mr Ricci,
In #3 you say, " Azach (Acaqui) Golluf and his wife Oro (daughter of Azach (Ishaq) Xaprut)".
The last line of #4 says, " Alcazar Golluf and Oro Xaprut are the parents of...".
I think I'm missing something.
Jaime Oceguera
Wife’s name and ancestry not posted yet.
Sorry about the mistake. The name that is in number 4 should have been blank. I have not posted her name or ancestry yet.
Thank you Jaime for pointing this out.
Rick A. Ricci
Possible Toribio Hernandez Arellano ancestry
Hello Mr Ricci,
thank you for your reply and for clearing that up.
I have another question if I may. In the middle of #'s 5 & 6 the paragraph starts with this, " {Isaac has a younger brother Alazar "el menor" named after his paternal grandfather who is called "el Mayor"...", but isn't their paternal grandfather Azach?
I thought Alazar/Altazar/Alcazar was their father.
I'd also like to thank you for something else. I thought I knew/understood a fair amount of what was happening to the Jews in Spain during this era. After reading your posts on Toribio's ancestry, it sparked a greater interest on the subject. After further reading, ( I'm on my second book ), I realized I knew/understood very little, so thank you for that.
Jaime Oceguera
Possible Toribio Hernandez Arellano ancestry
Dear Jaime,
I fixed that mistake in a later post: Isaac Golluf And Azach "el menor" Golluf are the same person. The youngest brother is named Abraham Golluf (aka Abran Gulluf) and he is the one that ultimately inherited his grandfathers assets. There is another Alazar in the family and many people confuse the two Alazars. It is because of the other Alazar that many people have made erroneous family trees. I clear that up in my book.
I have studied the Jews in Spain for many years, read many books, yet I am often surprised by interesting new information about them and what they went through. Last year I was surprised to learn that many Jews had family members become seminarians and priests so that the family would not get in trouble for being in possession of the religious text.
Another fact that surprised me was the turmoil within the Jewish community between conversos and those that stayed Jewish. Some of them became very angry at each other. Isaac’s brother in laws tried to poison him for converting. Many Jews that truly converted found themselves often accused of going to far and becoming Lutherans because they still were interested in studying scripture when the average catholic left the religious studies to the clergy. It is a subject that has much material to study.
Rick A. Ricci
P.S. Go Dodgers!!!
Pedro Sanchez de Calatayud aka Samuel Golluf
I had previously posted the following paragraph:
"Dr Haim put the the piece that said our sanchez line descended through juan Sanchez de calayatud (Isaac Golluf) and not his brother Pedro Sanchez de Calayatud. I knew that Toribios grandfather Alonso Sanchez descended from Alazar Golluf but had originally thought that the descent was through his son Pedro. Dr Haim is the highest authority on these matters so if he says that he descends from Isaac Golluf (Juan Sanchez) then I will go along with him."
The latest as of January 11, 2017:
Even though Dr. Haim is considered by many to be THE expert on Sephardic genealogy, I have been unable to confirm his statement that Alfonso Sanchez (II) descends from Johan Sanchez Calatayud/Isaac Golluf. Theoretically it is possible, but it is a tight fit and my original conclusion that the Pedro Sanchez married to Alfonsina Baron is Johan/Isaac's brother is still a possibility based on the pieces that I have. I had originally repeated the information from a secondary source that Pedro the brother was originally named Jehuda (Judah). A more reliable secondary source, that contains accurate information that I have found elsewhere, states that the brother Pedro's original name is Samuel Golluf, like Eleazar's grandfather that lived in France.
What this leads me to believe is that there are two Pedro Sanchez de Calatayud, one the brother, (Samuel) and the other Isaac's son Jehudah (Judah) who also took the name Pedro Sanchez de Calatayud. Due to the timeline I still believe that it is possible that our Alonso (II) Sanchez descends from the Pedro that is the brother. There is no question about the descent from Eleazar (Alatzar) Golluf as that is a given.
There are court records that will illuminate us as they name the members of the family and describe the disputes within the family. I just need to track down the location of the court records to find out for sure whether our Pedro is the son or grandson of Eleazar Golluf.
Until we find out for sure, I still defer to Dr. Haim as he is acknowledged to be the
World's biggest expert on Sephardic genealogy.
Rick A. Ricci
Gabriel Sanchez and Isabel Sanchez's marriage record
Gabriel Sanches
mentioned in the record of Gabriel Sanches and Ysabel Sanches
Name Gabriel Sanches
Spouse's Name Ysabel Sanches
Event Date 14 Feb 1584
Event Place Santa Maria De Los Lagos,Lagos De Moreno,Jalisco,Mexico
Citing this Record
"México matrimonios, 1570-1950," database, FamilySearch ( : 15 July 2015), Gabriel Sanches and Ysabel Sanches, 14 Feb 1584; citing Santa Maria De Los Lagos,Lagos De Moreno,Jalisco,Mexico, reference ; FHL microfilm 221,879.
House of David
Many of the founding families of Nueva Galicia came from noble families. But most of them were younger siblings that did not inherit much from their parents. Many of their parents themselves had been younger members of their families. Many of these younger members had married convers who brought much needed wealth into the family. If the conversos were from the house of David it was easier to claim to be cristiano viejo as this lineage was considered to be Mary's ancestry. The Pope even made a proclamation that they could claim cristiano viejo status. Even a king of Spain made his own proclamation regarding this subject . It was important to him as he too descended from converses from the house of David.
So what this means that the study of the genealogy of these founding families gets a little tricky as we cross the Atlantic because the families were under a lot of pressure to show cristiano viejo status due the turmoil of the inquisition. Tricky because most of the new settlers were younger siblings who inherited little, and many of their parents had themselves been younger children from large families that inherited little. In addition, many had one grandparent or great grandparent that had converso roots. These converso grandparents may have just converted or they themselves were grandchildren or great grandchildren of a converso. Life was much easier in those times if you were quiet about converso roots in the family so many times family records were destroyed to hide the evidence.
The Sanchez Golluf family is a public and private family as many members converted before the forced conversions while many others refused to convert until they were forced to. In the years between the free conversions and the forced conversions there was much turmoil in the family as their family had come from the highest class levels given to Jewish families. In the turmoil of the conversions was also the turmoil of some family members being rich while others were relatively poor. The religious status of the Sanchez Golluf went from the truly converted, to the lukewarm converted, to the combination of practicing both religions, to the faking conversion but remaining Jewish in private, to the Jewish that refused to convert. Since they were of the house of David, many descendants claimed cristiano viejo status, while others did not realize that they could claim this and suffered in the inquistion. After a big Scandal in the family, many of the family members moved to Italy, Portugal and other places. The ones that went to Italy became very successful when they became partners in a bank that they created and managed. The inquistion often tried to follow these families. Sometimes money and influence saved them torture and death. Some of the Sanchez family came along with the Cuevas And Carbajals to the Americas. After a few years the inquistion followed them over here to again accuse some descendants of keeping the Jewish faith or of converting too far and joining the Lutheran faith.
Toribio Hernandez de arellano
Mr. Ricci,
you mention that many of the founding families that came to nueva galicia were noble. which families have noble connections?
Danny C. Alonso
Conexiones familiares
Hola Richard:
Hace tiempo estudié la familia Carvajal, pues desciendo de Don Juan de Carvajal "El Viejo" conquistador de México. Fue copiloto de Jerónimo Ruiz de la Mota en un bergantín en la batalla de Tenochtitlan.
La rama que pasó a Nuevo León es posterior, del siglo XVII, sin embargo parece haber existido alguna conexión lejana entre estas dos ramas.
Buscando encontré un señalamiento en el sentido que Don Luis de Carvajal desciende de los Señores de Jódar, Jaen, a través de un Don Álvaro de Carvajal, pero no se cita ninguna fuente.
¿Sabes si Don Luis desciende de los Señores de Jódar?
Conexiones familiares
Hola Marcelina/Fabiola,
Si es cierto que Alvaro Carvajal tiene parentesco con los señores de Jodar. Su hermano, y padre eran señores de Jodar, pero el no. Juan De Carvajal es pariente de Luis Carvajal pero no se la exacta relación. No te respondí inmediatamente por falta de tiempo. Tardo más en escribir en español cuando tengo que traducir lo que ya escribí en inglés. En vez de esperar más tiempo te mando la respuesta en inglés. Después te mando la traducción en español.
Juan Carvajal is called a relative Of Governor Luis Carvajal (el mozo) but I don’t know the exact relationship. He traveled at least a couple of times between Spain and Mexico. Juan was a soldier. He learned the Indian languages from his first trip to Mexico. He worked as a translator for Luis Carbajal. If he is the same Juan Carvajal that was a conquistador in Tenochtitlán then he must have been very young when he first came over. He was called “viejo” when he worked for Luis Carbajal, so it is possible, but I am not certain. What i do know is that this Juan Carvajal had spent many years previously in Mexico learning the Indian languages and that he had been a soldier.
[Luis Carbajal (el mozo) is also related to the Cueva line that I studied when researching my Garibai Soto. Cueva Pantoja line.
There is also a relationship to the Carvajals that are related to Ruy Diaz De Mendoza who is also my ancestor. This Ruy Diaz de Mendoza has a different ancestral family tree than the Ruy Diaz De Mendoza that most Mexican/Texan genealogists use. The two Ruy Diaz De Mendoza’s were related, and both left descendants in Mexico it seems, but genealogists have mistaklenly identified as sisters the daughters of the different Ruy Diaz De Mendoza’s so they then follow the ancestral tree of only one of them. The daughters of the two Ruy Diaz De Mendozas should have been identified as sisters-in-law instead of sisters. This error causes confusion as it seems one Ruiz Diaz De Mendoza had only one daughter. They are also not too distant cousins. The Ruy Diaz De Mendoza genealogy and my Cueva Carbajal Pantoja genealogy are a book in itself so I will leave that to my book.]
1. Alonso Carvajal and Catarina Carvajal. Alonso is brother to Luis Carbajal señor De Jodar. Alonso and Catarina are parents of Francisca Carvajal.
2. Francisca De Carvajal (d June 1558) married to Gutierre Vasquez De la Cueva. Gutierre and Francisca are the parents of Captain Luis Gaspar Núñez de la Cueva.
3. Luis Gaspar Carvajal de la Cueva, capitán He was also known as “Capitán Luis Núñez De la Cueva” married to Catalina De León, (daughter of Antonio De Leon and Francisca Núñez. It is believed that the Núñez comes from the original surname of Nunez Cavalleria of the house of David. ) They are the parents of Luis “el mozo” Carvajal, gobernador del “nuevo reino de leon.”
4. Luis Carbajal (el mozo) b. 1531 based on given age in a much later document) died in 1590 in Mexico. He was the first governor of New Leon (Nuevo Reino De Leon) in Mexico. What a nice coincidence that his mothers surname is also Leon.
The Carvajal Cueva family tree is difficult to unravel because many changed the surnames because the inquisition went after many family members. I descend from the Carvajal Cueva family. I also descend from other related lines through my Nunez Cavalleria and the del la Cueva Mercado lines.
Gracias Fabiola,
Ricardo A. Ricci
Possible Toribio Hernandez
Thank you for your contribution. The Sánchez Dalmau is truly a very interesting family in the Kingdom of Aragón. I enjoyed reading the information you shared with us. I would like to remind all that this is only a theory and needs to be further researched. Rick is not saying that Toribio is the son of D. Miguel Sánchez Dalmau and Da. Isabel Fernández de Híjar y Arellano, but a possibility does exist as with anything. In regards to the timeline, family connections, surnames, and potential explanations, it is a very exciting and has opened more doors. I originally suggested many years ago that Hernández de Arellano is actually a compound surname and presented the theory that it was compounded by Fernández de Híjar and Ramírez de Arellano and it is nice to see we are all building upon each other's research. If it helps Toribio and Isabel did have a son name D. Gabriel Sánchez de Arellano, who married Isabel Sánchez de Lara on 14 Feb 1584 in Santa María de los Lagos, daughter of Capt. Juan Sánchez de Figueroa and Elvira Gil de Lara. I can see a parallel between this Gabriel and the Gabriel Sánchez Paulu previously mentioned in the genealogy presented.
Daniel Méndez de Torres y Camino
Upgraded from possible to Probable
Dear Daniel,
I had spent many years working on the Fernandez de Hijar and the Ramirez de Arellano families without thinking that Toribio Hernandez Arellano descended from the Fernandez de Hijar . I descend from the Fernandez de Hijar, Ramirez de Arellano, Mendoza, Lomelin, Cervantes, and Alvarez from different lines. I had compiled lots of information on these families in my research without thinking that there may be a connection. I had also done a lot work on the Perestrello family but this blood connection has not been proven. In my attempt to find the connection to the Perestrello family, I amassed much information on the family and business connections. Even though the Perestrello blood connection has not been proven, the business connections between this family and the other families contributed much to my research.
But It wasn't until you reminded me that the Fernandez and the Hernandez names were interchangeable in those years that the pieces of all these different family puzzles came together to make one giant puzzle. I continued researching, adding little pieces here and there, until this image of the family tree appeared. My research took a big leap forward with your contributions as i was en able to put pieces together. It is no secret that I took your conclusion that Toribio descended from the Hernandez and Ramirez Arellano families and built on it. I was fortunate and am very appreciative of your contributions to this work. It took another leap forward when Steven Hernandez, Manny Diez Hermosillo, and others, also added important pieces to the puzzle connecting more of the families. All of the families that I listed were involved in some way with each other so once I recognized that they were connected I was able to keep finding more and more connections. Connection after connection adding to the probability of Toribio's ancestry. It is a theory that continues to gain weight as research adds more pieces to the puzzle. I believe that the family tree that I have presented for Toribio has moved from possibility to probability, but that is only my opinion based on all the data I have in front of me. Like you said, more research is needed.
More families that I have recently found to be connected to these families are the Velasco, Covarrubias, Acuña, Boccanegra, Nuñez, and the Martinez de L.
It does help that Toribio and Isabel had a son named Gabriel Sánchez de Arellano, who married Isabel Sánchez de Lara on 14 /Feb /1584 in Santa María de los Lagos, daughter of Capt. Juan Sánchez de Figueroa and Elvira Gil de Lara. Gabriel Sanchez De Arellano would be named after his great uncle Gabriel Sánchez Palau, the most famous of the brothers, who was a friend of Christopher Colombus. Christopher Colombus wrote a letter to him and sent it immediately to Gabriel upon returning from his first trip back from the Caribbean.
Do you have information on the descendants of D. Gabriel Sánchez de Arellano and Isabel Sánchez de Lara? I have Gabriel's sister marrying Juan Sanchez de Lara, brother of Isabel Sanchez de Lara. So it's another case of two siblings marrying another pair of siblings.
I have two maternal great uncles (brothers) marrying two sisters. My maternal grandfather and another great uncle (brothers) married first cousins. That last great uncle, the youngest of the four brothers, is the grandfather of Professional soccer player Isaac Romo who played for "Chivas" at one time. I was told by family members that Isaac married a niece of the owner of Chivas. Isaac and I are second cousins. Over fifty years ago when I was a kid visiting Guadalajara, I remember accompanying Isaac's parents on a date to Parque Agua Azul in Guadalajara. Way back then many families did not allow teenagers to go on dates by themselves, they had to take along a third wheel. I was the third wheel a few times that summer with Isaac's parents. Another grandson of this last great uncle was posted at the Vatican during the papacy of John Paul II. I don't know if he is still over there. I think he was still posted there when they canonized Santo Toribio Romo Gonzalez, my maternal grandfathers third cousin (three times over). Many, many family members went to the Vatican for this event. I have a picture of the Pope with some family members.
Isaac's father also played professional soccer for Irapuato for many years. A sister of Isaac's father, my mom's first cousin, played Volleyball for the Mexican Olympic team. Her boyfriend of six years stated that if she went and played in the Olympics in front of everyone with those short shorts that they were finished. He forbade her to go because of the picture that was posted on the front page of a Guadalajara newspaper that showed her bending down to dig out a shot. Her mother, my great aunt also disliked the photo and forbade her from playing. After much thought she decided to go to the Olympics and play anyway. She met the backup center of the Mexican men's basketball team and quickly forgot about her ex boyfriend. They were a match made in heaven. Very happily married for many decades, in fact the happiest couple I have ever met. One of their sons made it to a minor league baseball team here in the states before an illness derailed his baseball career.
One of the reasons for not having finished a book on these families is that what started out as separate books morphed into one big book because of their connections, but became too big, and now has to go back to separate books..
Thank you again Daniel for providing big pieces to the puzzle!
Rick A. Ricci
Possible Toribio Hernandez
Daniel and Mr. Ricci,
i've always enjoyed all of your theories and Daniel, I actually have a lot
of questions about some of the ones about some of the families I come from,
but about the Hernandez de Arellano family, i was wondering what you both
think the reason is that no one is named after Toribio. in the Romo de
Vivar's theres a bunch of people named Diego and in the Martin de
Sotomayor's a bunch name Andres, but in the Hernandez de Arellano family i
cant think of one person name Toribio, doesnt that seem strange?
Danny C. Alonso
Probable Toribio Hernandez
Dear Danny,
The Diego were named "Diego Romo de Vivar", the Andres were named "Andres Martin de Sotomayor", and so on. Back in that century if you named someone after another family member it was the whole name. So when Toribio named his son Gabriel after his paternal uncle he gives him the whole name "Gabriel Sanchez". He wouldn't name him Gabriel Hernandez. The first name "Toribio " goes with the Hernandez line. I have found very few men named Toribio during this time frame. What is interesting is that three of them were surnamed Hernandez.
Another thing to consider is that The first Diego Romo de Vivar and the first Andres Martin de Sotomayor were first born that inherited the vast majority of the family fortune and titles. The first born held a lot of the status in the families. Sometimes the second and third born would have some status when there was a large fortune. But the youngest of the families often had little to no status and often didn't inherit much, if anything, in large families. Toribio Hernandez Arellano would be the youngest born of parents that were themselves the youngest born of prestigious families. His mother was the youngest of her family, and being a female she held even less status than if she had been a male. She carried so little status that some genealogist have mistakenly referred to her as being illegitimate. Even though she married into the rich Sanchez family, it was to the youngest brother, and then he died when Toribio was young so they didn't inherit much money or status from either family. Toribio's name wouldn't be a name that carried much status in the Hernandez de Xijar, Ramirez de Arellano, Hurtado de Mendoza, or Sanchez de Calatayud families. Toribio does seem to pop up with the Hernandez surname but I don't know if it is just a coincidence or if there is more to it. The Toribios never seem to be the first born.
Rick A. Ricci
Golluf vintners
The Golluf were also vintners, both in France and Zaragossa.
Hernandez Arellano Sanchez(Golluf) & Nostradamus
I thought that for New Years I would at least release a little bit of information from my book. So here is something on The Hernandez Arellano Sanchez's ancestors.
The Jewish community of DAvignon, Barcelona, and part of Zaragosa was connected. These families intermarried often.They were of the house of David. These families were highly educated and were involved in commerce. and medicine.
In the D ' Avignon community we find not only the Golluf family but also Michel Notredame's paternal grandfather who converted to Catholicism, divorced his Jewish wife because she refused to convert, and married his third wife, the grandmother of Nostradamus. Many genealogists have a mistake in the family tree on his paternal side. The correct lineage shows him to be a descendant of the family that was part of the families that intermarried with the Gollufs.
Happy New Year,
R.A. Ricci
Possible Toribio Hernandez
I've just connected myself to Toribio Hernandez Arellano. Wooo hoo!
Possible Toribio Hernandez
It was great to see your Wooo hoo! It's Great that you have connected to our family tree.
I put many years and a lot of work into this research so the Wooo Hoo! Helps make it worth it. Check out what I posted on Isabel Mendoza Velasco
Rick A. Ricci
Isabel Mendosa Velasco
Mr. Ricci,
I've been super busy this last week with school and haven't kept up with all the posts. Is Isabel Mendoza Velasco, the same as Isabel Hurtado de Mendoza. is she the wife of Toribio Hernandez?
Danny C. Alonso
Isabel Hurtado de Mendoza y Velasco
Many genealogists cannot agree on whether the information on Isabel Hurtado de Mendoza is that she descends from a Diego Hurtado de Mendoza, or that her father is named Diego Hurtado de Mendoza. I hope that those that insist that her father is A Diego Hurtado de Mendoza would present that evidence. Where is the evidence that her father's name is Diego Hurtado de Mendoza?
This Isabel Hurtado de Mendoza Velasco has a father surnamed Velasco and the Mendoza comes from the maternal side, though the father also descends from the Mendozas. She does descend from a Diego Hurtado de Mendoza.
Look at the information that I presented. Has anyone come up with a better candidate? If they have, I haven't seen it.
Possible Toribio Hernandez
R.A. Ricci,
Thank you for the information on the Covarrubias. Gaspar de Covarrubias’ specific connection to the Bishop Diego de Covarrubias kept eluding me.
Also, does the eighth testigo of Juan de Hororzco, Toribio Hernandez, fit with yours, or is he a new unrelated Toribio? He had caught my attention because he was commenting on the converso members of Juan de Horozco’s family and because you had recently posted your Toribio Hernandez being from a mixed converso family.
Different Toribio Hernandez
Dear David,
It is a different Toribio Hernandez. I do not know if they are related. The Toribio mentioned in the book is living in Spain and involved with the church. Our Toribio Hernandez Arellano wouldn't volunteer to discuss whether someone was a converso as his grandfathers relatives were involved in the murder of an official of the inquisition. Even to this day, people mistakenly believe that it was his grandfather that was involved in the conspiracy to commit the murder when it was his distant cousin of the same name.
Not only distant relatives involved, but Toribio Hernandez Arellanos grandfather had an older brother, Gabriel Sanchez, whose in laws were found to be involved in the conspiracy to commit murder of the inquisitor. Gabriel Sanchez helped finance Christopher Colombus' trip across the Atlantic. Both Toribios grandfather and Gabriel were friends of Christopher and his father. This friendship helped Christopher in his pleas to King Ferdinand as he too was close to the Sanchez brothers. Toribios grandfather made a lot of money for himself and the King. If it hadn't been for the Sanchez brothers, Columbus may have never made the trips across the Atlantic. King Ferdinand did not have complete trust in Columbus so the connection to the Sanchez brothers helped him get over his feelings of distrust.
It was a joy to put together the Covarrbias family tree. Hopefully one day my ancestor, Jose Covarrubias, will find his spot in this family tree.
Rick A. Ricci
Covarrubias line
11) Maria Covarrubias + Sebastian Martinez Leyva (de Covarrubias)
12) Alonso Leyva Covarrubias (1488-11/Mar/1570), (m. 1510) + Maria Gutierrez de Hegas (d.21/Jub1569)
13) Gaspar Covarrubias Egas (1523- ?) (m.1538) +Margarita Quijada
14) Francisco Covarrubias y Quijada (1543-1600), (married twice), 1st in 1559 to Maria Ramirez Bermudez (abt. 1540- <1592), 2nd marriage in 1592 to Maria Catalina Colio y De La Torre
Source: on going research for Mygenes2000 by R.A. Ricci
Martinez de Leyva de Covarrubias research
Dear David,
I'm sure you were trying to help with my research on Toribio Hernandez Arellano when you provided information on Jose Orosco Covarrubias. And you did. Even if he is not the same Toribio. I need to find and check out every Toribio Hernandez that I can find in the 1500's. You also did so much more. You opened the doors to some of my previous research on Oroscos. And you got me started on studying the Covarrubias family in Spain. I descend from Villaseñor Orosco but had run into dead ends. I still haven't connected Jose Orosco Covarrubias's "Orosco" line to mine, but I now have much more information on Oroscos.
I also descend from Covarrubias. Though I have a brickwall at Jose Covarrubias, husband of Leonor Hermosillo, I hope to one day break through that wall. The line that I post on the Covarrubias line is solid to Juan Covarrubias, grandfather of Maria Covarrubias that is married to Sebastian Martinez de Leyva. The line before Juan is a line done by another genealogist in the 16th century so I need to still check that out.
And you have opened another door. The Martinez de Leyva family is not your average family. By discovering that the Leyva was part of Sebastian Martinez de Covarrbias surname making him Sebastian Martinez de Leyva from Covarrubias we have the possibility that he is part of Sancho (Brazo de Hierro/Iron Arm) Martinez de Leyva's family.
I have done much research on the Martinez de Leyva family for a long time. You can see the results of some of this research at:
"Descent of Edward III to my wife's maternal grandmother, Margarita Rocha Gutierrez and to Queen Elizabeth II"
Thanks again,
Rick A. Ricci
Primary sources confirming primo segundo
I have found confirmation that Francisco Covarrubias and Melchor Covarrubias are first cousins, and the person that confirms this identification is Melchor himself. For them to be first cousins, Gaspar has to be a son of Alonso Covarrubias Leyva and Maria Gutierrez de Hegas. I have found other information on this family that I still need to follow up.
11) Maria Covarrubias + Sebastian Martinez Leyva
12) Alonso Leyva Covarrubias (1488-11/Mar/1570), (m. 1510) + Maria Gutierrez de Hegas (d.21/Jub1569)
13) Gaspar Covarrubias Egas (1523- ?) (m.1538) +Margarita Quijada
14) Francisco Covarrubias y Quijada (1543-1600), (married twice), 1st in 1559 to Maria Ramirez Bermudez (abt. 1540- <1592), 2nd marriage in 1592 to Maria Catalina Colio y De La Torre
Source: on going research for Mygenes2000 by R.A. Ricci
Possible Toribio Hernandez
R.A. Ricci,
While researching the Covarrubias family I ran into a Toribio Hernandez. You might want to look into this if you have not seen it already.
At there is a document:
“Información genealógica de Juan Orozco de Covarrubias”
It is dated 8 August 1573.
The original images are not viewable at but the same record is copied in the book “Camcionero / Sebastián de Horozco ; introducción, edición crítica, notas, bibliografía y genealogía de Juan de Horozco por Jack Weiner,” Bern : H. Lang, 1975. Starting on page 325.
The fourth testigo is a Juan Fernandez who mentions a Toribio Hernandez and the eighth testigo is a Toribio Hernandez.
Toribio Hernandez
this is very interesting information. i wonder if the fourth testigo is Juan Fernandez de hijar?
Danny C. Alonso
Covarrubias book
Dear David,
I ordered a book and should get it in a couple of weeks. I don't think it is the same Toribio Hernandez but will investigate. I am very interested in learning more about this Covarrubia family. I descend from the Orosco and Covarrubias families in Nueva Galicia. Are the people named in this book related to the Orosco or Covarrubias families from Nueva Galicia?
Rick A. Ricci
Covarrubias book
The Juan de Horozco Covarrubias mentioned above is the Spanish writer. His father Sebastian de Orozco came from a Converso family. The Toribio Hernandez in the document is commenting on the Converso side of Juan de Horosco’s family – something to do with some cousins through Juan de Hororzco’s paternal grandmother Maria de Soto.
As for Covarrubias, Juan de Horozco’s mother Maria Valero de Covarrubias is the first cousin to the famous bishop Diego de Covarrubias y Leyva. In other documents, this Diego appears as a “deudo” to the Contador Francisco de Covarrubias of Mexico (son of Gaspar de Covarrubias and Margarita de Quijada). I have not seen anything that describes the relation between Diego and Francisco more specifically then “deudo” though.
Please let us know what you find out once you receive the book.
Covarrubias genealogy
Dear David,
The book already arrived and consists of many poems. I did some research on Juan Horosco de Covarrubias and came up with the following:
Juan Horosco y Covarrubias is the son of Sebastian de Horosco (from Toledo) and Juana Valera de Covarrubias (from Aragon)
Sebastian Horosco is the son of Juan de Horosco and Maria de Soto (conversa)
Juana Valera de Covarrubias is the daughter of Marcos Covarrubias de Leyva and Catalina Valera (Catalina is the daughter of Juan -----Valera, and granddaughter of another Juan -----Valera)
Marcos Covarrubias de Leyva is the son of Sebastian Martinez de Covarrubias and Maria Gutierrez de Leyva
Marcos Covarrubias de Leyvais the brother of Alonso Covarrubias y Leyva who is married to Maria Gutierrez de Egas (Her father, uncles, grandfather, and great uncles are famous architects.) Alonso himself is a famous architect who was a student of his wife's family.
Alonso Covarrubias y Leiva and Maria Gutierrez de Egas are the parents of Gaspar Covarrubias de Egas who is married Margarita Quijada
Gaspar and Margarita are the parents of Francisco Covarrubias y Quijada, tesorero en Zacatecas, contador de Nueva Galicia, arrived in Nueva Galicia in 1563 when he was twenty years old.
Gaspar has a sister named Isabel that leaves many descendants in Chile. Many of her descendants used the Covarrubias surname instead of her husband's surname Velasquez.
The genealogy that I am posting is a little different from the genealogy posted on the Internet. My research differs in that Juana Valera de Covarrubia's mother is Catalina Valera and not Juana. Catalina's father is Juan ----- Valera. I cannot understand the middle name. This Juan named after his father who has the exact same name, even the unreadable (by me) middle name.
The change from Martinez to Covarrubias:
Sebastian Martinez de Covarrubias and Maria Gutierrez de Leyva's children used the Covarrubias surname as they were from the Villa de Covarrubias, Burgos, Castilla la vieja, (Spain).
Sebastian's surname is Martinez and Covarrubias is where he resides. Digging deeper into this family ancestral tree requires looking into the Martinez surname.
Maria Gutierrez de Egas descends from a Flemish family of architects. She is the daughter of Enrique Egas and Maria Gutierrez. The Egas surname is actually a corruption/ translation from his father's surname "van der Eicken Cuemen."
Alonso de Covarrubias y Leyva was a famous architect and sculptor, though he was over-shadowed by his more famous in-laws
Alonso de Covarrubias y Leyva and Maria Gutierrez de Egas are the parents of:
1) Diego Covarrubias y Leyva Egas, priest, Bishop, professor of canon law at the University of Salamanca, universally known for his genius and knowledge across many subjects. He formulated the reform decrees of the "council of Trent." Apart from his religious duties, he was also a member of the Council of Castile, and for two years was the president of the Council of Castile.
2) Antonio Covarrubias y Leyva (professor of law at the University of Salamanca and consul (consejero) of Castile
3) Gaspar Covarrubias Leyva Egas, conquistador en Michoacan, left descendants in Mexico. He was married to Margarita Quijada. They had a son named Francisco Covarrubias y Quijada, tesorero en Zacatecas, contador de Nueva Galicia. Francisco arrived in Nueva Galicia in 1563 when he was twenty years old.
4) Isabel Covarrubias y Leyva married Juan Francisco Velasquez Montero and left many descendants in Chile, South America
5) Catalina Covarrubias Leiva Egas married Pedro Pastor de Covarrubias and had a son, capitán Melchor de Covarrubias who was a soldier, very successful businessman, and great philanthropist that was named "Fundador del Templo y del Colegio del Espiritu Santo" en "Puebla de Los Angeles" in Mexico.
6) Guiomar Covarrubias Leiva Egas married Francisco Ponce de Leon and had a son named Garci Ponce de Covarrubias who may have had some descendants that married their distant cousins that were descendants of 4)Isabel Covarrubias y Leyva.
Thanks for sharing,
Rick A. Ricci
Covarrubias genealogy
Thank you for informing me about this Covarrubias discussion. As discussed in the Colio and Covarrubias Thread, I tie in at Gaspar Covarrubias and Margarita Quijada.
How were you able to connect Gaspar to Alonso? Thank you for any info you can provide.
Covarrubias genealogy
Dear Alex,
I put the family tree and its notes together myself by combining lots of little pieces of the puzzle from different sources. The Capitan in Puebla is said to be gaspars nephew and I have the capitans parents. Francisco was said to be Diego's nephew which is another clue that fits since Alonso is the father of the capitans mother and bishop Diego Covarrubias. They were also related to the Covarrubias from Chile through another sister of Diego and Gaspar. It's a lot of little pieces that when put together you get the family tree that I posted. I do have a primary source record for some of the information but the rest was put together like I said from a puzzle piece here and a puzzle piece there.
What I have not been able to add to the tree is my ancestor, Jose Covarrubias, born about 1659 and married to Leonor Hermosillo (daughter of Pedro Franco de Paredes and Leonor Hermosillo) . Their son Jose Covarrubias (Jr.) married on 20/Aug/1725 to Leonor Sanchez de Porras.
Glad I could help,
R.A. Ricci
Colio and covarubias
Thank you for this information Mr. Ricci
Danny C. Alonso
Dear Danny,
You are welcome. I'm glad I can help. Hopefully one day someone may be able to connect my Covarrubias ancestors to these Covarrubias.
Keep up the good work,
R.A. Ricci
Covarrubias genealogy
Have you been able to locate the marriage record for Jose Covarrubias' first marriage to Margarita Martin del Campo? I haven't been able too and that's where I would hope the parents names would be. I checked the marriage records for his two other wives and no beans :(
Where did you find confirmation that Francisco was Diego's nephew. All I have found is the term "deudo" being used re. their relationship in a primary source. (Informaciones: Francisco de Covarrubias). I also have "Diccionario Biografico del Occidente Novohispano" The entry for Layva y Covarrubias, Don Diego de states "Tio (algunas fuentes menos confiables dicen que primo) de Francisco Covarrubias, contador de...." Source being (Fernandez, 2003: 280) which seems unsure of the relationship. No doubt Gaspar ties into Sebastian Martinez de Covarrubias, I just can't figure out how.
I also haven't been able to find Gaspar in Mexico. I think he was in Spain when Francisco came over. Did Gaspar and Margarita both come?
Covarrubias genealogy
Whoops sorry about that. I posted about the wrong Joseph Covarrubias. Joseph and Leonor had at least 3 children (Ana Maria 1687, Nicolas 1689 and Leonor 1691) in Tepatitlan so I guess they would have had to been married there
Covarrubias genealogy
There is another Gaspar Covarrubias that is married to Catalina Gallardo. There is a record of them baptizing a child on 26/Sep/1632 in Zacatecas. I believe that this Gaspar maybe a son or grandson of Francisco Covarrubias.
The ancestry of Maria Gutierrez de Egas, wife of Alonso Covarrubias y Leyva (1488-1570) is posted on geni with mistakes that people made many years ago. It had been thought that Maria's father was Enrique Egas (senior). The correct genealogy shows that she is the niece of Enrique Egas (senior) and cousin to Enrique Egas (junior).
The Eyck (Eycken) Koemann surname is corrupted/translated into Hegas or Egas. Koemann is changed to Cunen. The van der Eycken brothers are architects from Brussels that go to Spain.
The brothers are Jan van der Eycken (Aka Hanneken (Hanequin) de Bruselas), Anton (Antonio) Martinez de Bruselas, and Egas Cunen (aka Henri van Eycken or Eyck)
Egas Cunen and Mari Gutierrez are the parents of:
1) Margarita Gutierrez de Hegas married to Miguel Sanchez
2) Isabel Gutierrez
3) Anton (Antonio) Egas
4) Enrique Egas (senior)
The brothers Anton Egas and Enrique Egas (senior) collaborate with each other and are involved in much artistic work just like their father and uncles. These brothers are mentors to Alonso Covarrubias. Enrique Egas (senior) has a son named Enrique Egas (junior). Alonso Covarrubias was also known to have collaborated with the son.
Enrique Egas's sister (1) Margarita Gutierrez de Hegas and her husband Miguel Sanchez are the parents of Maria Gutierrez de Hegas that marries Alonso Covarrubias de Leyva.
Alonso Covarrubias de Leyva was born in 1488 in Torrijos, provincia de Toledo. He was a very famous sculptor and architect. His mother, Maria Gutierrez de Leyva was originally from Torrijos and his father, Sebastian Martinez de Covarrubias did come from a family from the Villa Covarrubias in Lerma (Burgos).
Covarrubias genealogy
Dear Alex,
You are right, I should have written that Diego is mentioned as his tio instead saying that Francisco is his nephew. The one that is mentioned as a nephew of Gaspar is Capitan Melchor de Covarrubias. Gaspar was mentioned as a Conquistador in Mexico but it didn't say if his wife came over. The Capitan Melchor de Covarrubias was mentioned as The conquistadors nephew and his mother is known to be Diego Covarrubias sister. Melchors father was surnamed Pastor and added de Covarrubias to show where he was from. Capitan Melchor used Covarrubias as a surname. Melchors family is mentioned in the story about how they wanted him to be the family priest but he was more interested in being a soldier and then amassing a fortune. He donated money in Puebla and that is why he is called " Fundador del Templo y del Colegio del Espiritu Santo" en "Puebla de Los Angeles" in Mexico in his will, Melchor left a lot of money to the church in Puebla.
Covarrubias genealogy
Is your source for "Tio" the same as mine ("Diccionario Biografico del Occidente Novohispano") or have you find something else?
Thanks for the additional Covarrubias info. It will help greatly in my research.
Covarrubias genealogy
Dear Alex,
Diccionario Biografico del Occidente Novohispano is used as one piece of the puzzle. Many pieces were put together to come up with the family tree.
Please let me know if you ever connect my ancestor, Jose Covarrubias, to this family.
Your welcome,
Rick A. Ricci
Sebastian Martinez Leyva and Maria Gutierrez Covarrubias
A previous post is on the bottom of this page after XXX
The corrections are at the top.
I couldn't read Catalina Valero's father's name, or her grandfather's name. I had guessed poorly and thought I was reading "Jn.-------Valera" but it turns out that it reads Juan Perez Valero but another source names his parents as Pedro Valero Puerta and Juana Lopez. Both are primary sources so Juan Perez Valero or Pedro Valero Puerta depending on what someone understands from the scribbles
The second mistake is more important to us as this one had to do with the Covarrubia ancestry.
Alonso Leyva Covarrubias (aka Alonso Covarrubias Leyva) father is the one with Leyva as part of his surname, not his mother.
Sebastian Martinez Leyva and Maria de Covarrubias are the parents of Alonso Covarrubias Leyva and Marcos Covarrubias Leyva.
Maria Covarrubias is the daughter of Hernando Covarrubias. Her paternal grandfather is Juan Covarrubias.
Marcos Covarrubias Leyva was married twice. His second wife is named Antonia ( o Ana) Lopez. They had a daughter named Magdalena Covarrubias.
I will post the Orozco ancestry later if anyone is interested.
Sorry for the mistakes. It took further research trying to find Sebastian Martinez Leyva's parents to find his correct name.
Rick A. Ricci
Old post with a couple of mistakes AFTER. XXXXXXXXXXX
Old post with a couple of mistakes:
Dear David,
The book already arrived and consists of many poems. I did some research on Juan Horosco de Covarrubias and came up with the following:
Juan Horosco y Covarrubias is the son of Sebastian de Horosco (from Toledo) and Juana Valera de Covarrubias (from Aragon)
Sebastian Horosco is the son of Juan de Horosco and Maria de Soto (conversa)
Juana Valera de Covarrubias is the daughter of Marcos Covarrubias de Leyva and Catalina Valera (Catalina is the daughter of Juan -----Valero, and granddaughter of another Juan -----Valera)
Marcos Covarrubias de Leyva is the son of Sebastian Martinez de Covarrubias and Maria Gutierrez de Leyva
Marcos Covarrubias de Leyvais the brother of Alonso Covarrubias y Leyva who is married to Maria Gutierrez de Egas (Her father, uncles, grandfather, and great uncles are famous architects.) Alonso himself is a famous architect who was a student of his wife's family.
Alonso Covarrubias y Leiva and Maria Gutierrez de Egas are the parents of Gaspar Covarrubias de Egas who is married Margarita Quijada
Gaspar and Margarita are the parents of Francisco Covarrubias y Quijada, tesorero en Zacatecas, contador de Nueva Galicia, arrived in Nueva Galicia in 1563 when he was twenty years old.
Gaspar has a sister named Isabel that leaves many descendants in Chile. Many of her descendants used the Covarrubias surname instead of her husband's surname Velasquez.
The genealogy that I am posting is a little different from the genealogy posted on the Internet. My research differs in that Juana Valera de Covarrubia's mother is Catalina Valera and not Juana. Catalina's father is Juan ----- Valera. I cannot understand the middle name. This Juan named after his father who has the exact same name, even the unreadable (by me) middle name.
The change from Martinez to Covarrubias:
Sebastian Martinez de Covarrubias and Maria Gutierrez de Leyva's children used the Covarrubias surname as they were from the Villa de Covarrubias, Burgos, Castilla la vieja, (Spain).
Sebastian's surname is Martinez and Covarrubias is where he resides. Digging deeper into this family ancestral tree requires looking into the Martinez surname.
Sebastian Martinez Leyva and Maria Gutierrez Covarrubias
Thanks for the update. Ill be sure to post if I can connect Jose Covarrubias to the family!
Sebastian Martinez Leyva and Maria Gutierrez Covarrubias
Thanks for the update. Ill be sure to post if I can connect Jose Covarrubias to the family!
The meaning of Calatayud
When Isaach Golluf and Jehuda Golluf converted and changed their names signifying a conversion to Catholicism they kept some of their Jewish identity in the names. Their new surname was Sanchez de Calatayud. Calatayud is Jewish.
Calatayud is translated as “Castle or fortress of the Jews"
Magdalena Sanchez Dalmau
Miguel Sanchez Dalmau did have a sister named Magdalena Sanchez Dalmau.
Alonso Vilaragut is married to Magdalena Sanchez Dalmau in 1518.
Miguel Sanchez Dalmau did not have any brothers as he is identified as the only son.. I don't know how many sisters he had as I have only found this one sister so far.
Possible Toribio Hernandez
So you're saying that Miguel Sanchez and Isabel Hernandez de Hijar Ramirez de Arellano are the parents of Toribio? If so, I can go ahead and make the changes to that on the website.
Miguel Sanchez Dalmau Isabel Hernandez de Hijar RamirezArellano
There are a few issues that I would like to inform you about.
Miguel Sanchez Dalmau is how we would name him today with the paternal and maternal surnames. In Spanish(Castilian) he was known as Miguel Sanchez but in the area that he lived most of his life his name is written "Miguel Sanchis".
Isabel Hernandez de Hijar y Ramirez Arellano is how we would write her name today yet she was known as "Isabel de Yxar".
The third issue is the one brought up in a communication of my findings with Steven Hernandez. Steven reminded me that "a chain is only as strong as its weakest link." He asked me to identify the weakest link, if any. I responded by informing him of the following:
I did a lot of work getting the correct ancestry of Miguel Sanchez Dalmau to Pedro Sanchez ((I) (title:Caballero),and to Alfonsina Baron (o Varon). On many documents it is stated that they descend from Alazar (Eleazar Golluf). So working with the timelines and the information that I had, I had originally placed the Pedro Sanchez married to Alfonsina Baron as the son of Alazar Golluf. This would mean that Pedro Sanchez is the Pedro Sanchez De Calayatud that was originally named Jehuda Golluf. But Dr. Haim, who is recognized as the worlds greatest expert on Sephardic genealogy states that Miguel's Grandfather, Alfonso Sanchez, descends From Alazar Golluf's son Juan Sanchez de Calayatud previously known as Isaach (Asach "el menor" Golluf). As Dr. Haim is the greatest expert on these matters, I defer to his judgment and research and place our Pedro as the grandson to Eleazar(Alazar) instead of son. There is room (barely) for this added generation in the timeline. I feel comfortable following Dr. Haim's lead as he has done much more research than I have and is known as the world expert in this field. At the same time, I would be surprised, but not shocked, if my original ancestral trace showing our Pedro to be the son of Eleazar and not the grandson.
I repeat, my collection of documents provide the steps through primary sources from Miguel Sanchez Dalmau to Pedro Sanchez married to Alfonsina Baron with the added identification along the way that they are descendants of Eleazar (Alazar) Golluf.
So my suggestion is to use the information that Dr. Haim provided yet keep in your notes the very small possibility that Dr. Haim is mistaken and that I was originally correct in placing our Pedro as the son and not the grandson. I have not seen all of Dr. Haims research and only have his statements to the press as to Alfonso sanchez being a descendant of Juan Sanchez de Calayatud (Isaach Golluf).
I feel that you should add these additional notes including the source being my book, Mygenes2000.
Thank you,
R.A. Ricci
Toribio Hernandez de Arellano
I agree that a chain is only as strong as it's weakest link. So, I'm curious, what is the actual evidence that Toribio is the son of Miguel Sanchez and Isabel Fernandez de Hijar? Or even a little evidence that suggests a possible link between them? Is there any evidence that Miguel even had a son named Toribio? I've always been confused at attempts to link Toribio with the Fernandez de Hijar family, when there is a known Spanish compound surname of "Fernandez de Arellano," why doesn't it make more sense that Toribio just descends from someone named Fernandez de Arellano?
Toribio Hernandez's probable parents
People kept asking me to identify Toribios parents. I often responded that I would finish my book soon. The problem is that I am not close to finishing my book. I knew that there would be questions regarding his ancestry if I just named his parents without presenting all the pieces of the puzzle that together lead to this identification. That is why I used the word possible instead of probable. I also knew that if I just presented his parents without identifying the correct ancestral line that people will pick up erroneous lines of ancestry. There are lines presented by other genealogists, even in the sixteenth century, that are not correct. There is a line presented in a "libro verde" that has many mistakes on this families family tree. That is why I present Miguel Sanchez Dalmau's ancestral line even though I have not included all the information from my book.
Miguel's grandfather Alfonso (II) is often confused with Alfonso (I) the jurist(lawyer) so historians and genealogists mix up their ancestral lines. Alfonso( I) 's line is prone to mistakes as this branch of the family converted only under the pressure of the inquisition and many of the members would try to distort the lines and say they were from Miguel's line in order that their ancestors would be looked upon as converted Christians before the forced conversions. Many family members from Alfonso (I) side of the family suffered greatly under the inquisition. Some of them fought back and had to leave for Portugal and Italy when a price was put on their heads. The Sanchez family was under pressure in the Americas not long after their arrival. Alfonso (I) the jurist takes on a complicated case for a Mendoza ancestor of Pedro Ledesma. Any family tree stating that Miguel's line descends from poor ancestors is a giant red flag as all of his ancestors from his father all the way to Samuel Golluf and Bona Strugas parents were wealthy. Alonso (1)'s ancestor Abraham Goluff (Abram) did inherit from his grandfather but most his descendants struggled financially until Alonso (I)'s time when some of them became successful businessman/bankers. A descendant of this line became governor of Aragon.
I am still working on identifying the different branches of this family. I do have a lot of information already and it will be in my book.
A puzzle takes shape as more and more pieces are properly placed together. I do not have all the pieces of the puzzle. I presented many pieces of the puzzle hoping that more people can add pieces to the puzzle. I hope someone can add a piece to the puzzle that will change what I believe is probable to certain.
This discovery of this ancestral line is not the only find from the intersection of my different lines of research. There is a confirmed link to Christopher Colombus. An ancestor of Columbus' is identified as being a granddaughter of an ancestor of mine. Through this line, he is my sixth cousin many, many, times removed. This relationship is not through Toribio. This line is from Italy and goes back many generations, with close relationships to a few Popes. Many people in Nueva Galicia are related to Colombus and these Popes through this line.
Converso Background of Los Altos Settlers
R.A. Ricci, have you found more settlers from Los Altos with converso background? Would it seem logical the earliest families marrying into Toribio de Arellano's family were of the same converso background? It's my understanding converso families often married into each other. I haven't been on this website for many years and maybe this topic has already been discussed.
Converso Background of Los Altos Settlers
Dear Alice,
You are correct that it is logical that the earliest families marrying into Toribio’s family have a similar ancestral background of a mixture of “old Christian” and “converso”. There are many settlers from Los Altos that had this similar background ancestry. Many of the settlers of Los Altos were “third sons, of third sons, of third sons, of nobility or royalty”. What this means is that they were usually not the son, or grandson of first born in a family that would inherit the family title and the bulk of the family estate. A “third son, of a third son, of a third son” meant that you were a great grandson of someone who left you with little inheritance of titles or money. “Third sons” of “third sons” often married wealthy “conversos” who brought much needed infusion of cash to the marriage. So even though conversos did often marry other conversos, there was also a mixture of nobility with conversos, as someone who came from a titled background would marry someone from a rich converso background as it was advantageous to both families for such a marriage. The children from these marriages often married others with similar mixed ancestral trees. This happens to be the case of many of the settlers of Los Altos, many of them had a grandparent or a great grandparent with converso ancestry, while also having a grandparent, or great-grandparent with a noble title.
Toribio Hernández Arellano was not the first born in his family, so he didn’t inherit the bulk of his father’s estate. His father was a younger son of conversos with some money who married a much younger daughter of nobility who received little inheritance from her family. So even though Toribio had great grandparents with titles and money, he was the “third son, of a third son, of a third son”.
Two more examples of these mixed “old Christian” and converso ancestral lineages are the Villaseñor Cervantes and the Padilla Dávila. In my Cervantes ancestry a rich Jewish merchant married many of his daughters to younger sons of nobility who inherited relatively little as the first born took the bulk of the inheritance. One of his daughters was married to a Cervantes, and they are the ancestors to my Villaseñor Cervantes of Los Altos de Jalisco. Same happened with my Padilla ancestors. For three straight generations you find my noble Padilla Dávila ancestors marrying women with converso ancestral backgrounds. The story repeats in many of the ancestries of the first settlers of Los Altos de Jalisco.
Another Important fact regarding Jewish ancestry of many of the first settlers of Los Altos de Jalisco was that a prominent Jewish family of religious leaders established a place of worship in their large home in Los Altos de Jalisco that attracted many Jewish families. When this got too much attention they went underground and moved away. But many of the settlers that had come to be near this place of worship decided to stay.
Here is a post on this subject:
Rick A. Ricci
Clarification on the Golluf inheritance from the grandfather
Nahir Suxen (abt. 1295) is the father of Bonastruga (Bona Astruga)
1). Solomon Golluf (caballero, resident of Barcelona) (abt 1295).
2). ↑ Samuel Golluf (resident of Avignon) married to ↑Bonastruga and are the parents of two children,
Siblings : Azach (Acaqui) Golluf & Rebeca Golluf (her fame: beauty and can sing)
3). ↑ Azach (Acaqui) Golluf and his wife Oro (daughter of Azach (Ishaq) Xaprut)
Azach Xaprut is the son of Yosef Xaprut
4) ↑Eleazar (Alazar) Golluf Iben David miembro de una ilustre y antigua familia de Zaragoza (d. 1389).
Cousin to Todric Ha Levi family, all descendants of the house of David
Alazar Golluf, miembro de una ilustre y antigua familia de Zaragoza, fue tesorero del rey don Juan I de Aragón y de su esposa Violante. Su alta posición le permitió ocuparse de los asuntos de la población judía incluso fuera de los límites de la aljama donde habitaba. De la casa de David. I don't know if the descent from david is through a paternal or maternal line.
Alazar Golluf is Treasurer of the Queen Violante of Aragon and the most prominent Jewish courtier at the time in Aragon
Eleazar (Alazar) Golluff is the father of Isaach (Azach el menor)(the eldest), Jehuda Golluf and Abraham Goluff.
#3 Azach Golluff ( el Mayor) becomes upset that Isaach (aka Azach el menor, aka Juan Sanchez de Calayatud) and Jehuda (Pedro Sanchez de Calataud) convert to Catholicism so he changes his will and disinherits Azach el menor who was originally the main beneficiary in his grandfathers will. Jehuda (aka Pedro Sanchez de C.) is also skipped over for inheritance since he also converted at the same time as Isaac. The third son, Abraham then becomes the main beneficiary in his grandfathers will. Abraham (Abran) is the same person referred to in some family trees a century later as Alasar el mentor who converted from Judaism to Catholicism only after inheriting from his grandfather and after the forced conversions of 1391. I believe they are the same person because they only speak of three brothers, and The third brother is named Abraham in earlier documents but Alasar el menor in family trees that are made a century or more later. This Abraham/Alasar el menor converts and changes his name to Luis Sanchez de Calayatud, using the same surname that his brothers used when they converted in August of 1389. Luis Sanchez de Calayatud's descendants struggle mightily financially and because they are not considered true converts. Eventually some of his descendants begin to show some career success But many of them become involved in the death of St Pedro Arbues and run for their lives to Italy and Portugal where they settle down and are able to become successful businessmen.
Isaac (Azach el menor aka Juan Sanchez de Calayatud did receive the inheritance from his father Eleazar (Alazar) Golluf as his father died two months before he converted.
Marquez de los Olivos Connection?
Have you ever seen evidence of your Diego Marquez de los Olivos (generation 13 in your original post) having had a brother or half-brother Capitan Miguel Marquez de los Olivos, Alguacil Mayor de Juchipila?
Much of the following is repeated from one of my old posts found here:
In the book:
La hacienda "Ciénega de Mata" de los Rincón Gallardo: un modelo excepcional de latifundio novohispano durante los siglos XVII y XVIII, by José Fernando Alcaide Aguilar, 2004.
An interesting note on page 470: footnote number 488 at the bottom of the page shows Capitan Miguel Marquez de los Olivos becoming Alguacil Mayor de Juchipila and mentions him as the brother of a Diego Marquez de los Olivos. The record that footnote number 488 is referring to can be referenced at:
2. click on the tab labeled “Busqueda Sencilla,”
3. where it says “Buscar” type in “Miguel Marquez de los Olivos”
4. click Audiencia de Guadalajara
6. click “Ver imagenes”
The problem is that I am not able to find where it mentions Diego Marquez de los Olivos.
In any event, the only Diego Marquez de los Olivos that I know of who fits this time period would be the Diego Marquez de los Olivos (1617-1672) who was the son of a Joseph Marquez de los Olivos and a Maria de Ornelas. Could this also mean that Capitan Miguel Marquez de los Olivos is their son?
Holcombe only offers one clue to the parentage of Capitan Miguel Marquez de los Olivos
In Holcombe’s letters page 174-175 As seen here:…
“He [referring to Capitan Miguel Márquez de los Olivos] was from Juchipila or Jalpa and a natural son of Captain X Márquez de los Olivos -- don’t recall the details.”
I wish he had recalled the details and I wish I knew what source he extracted this information from. Could this mean that (Capitan?) Joseph Marquez de los Olivos married Maria de Ornelas and had Diego Marquez de los Olivos, but also had a natural son Capitan Miguel Marquez de los Olivos. Has anyone seen evidence of Joseph (husband of Maria de Ornelas) ever being a “Capitan”?
Overall, I would be very interested to find out if Capitan Miguel Marquez de los Olivos is a grandson of Toribio Hernandez de Arellano or not.
Two Diego Marquez de Olivos
Dear David,
The were two Diego Marquez de Olivos during that time that I am aware of. They were father and son. The son had a son named Miguel Antonio Marquez de Olivos Fernandez de Rueda married to Josefa Macias Valadez ( or Valdes). I would have to pull out all the old documents that I made of Jaime Holcombes work to find out more. I have pulled out so many sheets, and lent out some that never came back that I may have to go back to the library and re copy Jaime Holcombes work in order to give you more information.
Sorry I couldn't help you more,
Rick A. Ricci
Alazar (Eleazar) Golluf
Alazar (Eleazar) Golluf dies in June of 1389
His son Isaac Golluf aka Juan Sanchez de Calatayud, arranges to convert to Catholicism two months later' in August of 1389. isaac arranged it so he did not have to give up many of his possessions like many other Jewish converts had to. He also arranged it so he was able to inherit from his father.
Isaacs grandfather was angry That Isaac had inherited his father's money, which was a large amount. Isaac was the eldest son and the one named after his grandfather but he was disinherited and Isaacs youngest brother who was named Alazar "el menor" is named after Alazar "el Mayor"
Toribio HErnandez de Arellano
MR. Ricci
Do you know who the parents of Toribio Hernandez de Arellano's wife Isabel de Mendoza are?
Danny C. Alonso
Isabel Mendoza Parents
Dear Danny,
I discovered the Hernandez Sanchez ancestry while looking for Isabel Mendozas ancestry.
I had also been working on the Fernandez de Hijar family and Christopher Colombus's genealogy. The three separate research projects crossed paths when I found documentation that stated that this Sanchez family had family members that were close friends to Domenico and Christopher had intermarried repeatedly with the Mendozas.
My research then switched to finding out which members of this Sanchez family had married Mendozas and found that Miguel Sanchis Dalmau had married a granddaughter to a Mendoza and that I already had them in my Fernandez de Hijar records.
Then I discovered that the sanchez de Calayatud family was actually the Golluf Family.
The statement that this Sanchez family had repeatedly married Mendozas was the lightbulb that I saw flashing before me.
I put aside my research on Isabel Mendoza even though I felt that I had a few threads to pull because I became fascinated with the Golluf /Sanchez family history.
Shortly thereafter I became sidetracked when I discovered my Ochoa Ancestry to Basque Country.
After finding the Ochoa ancestry I again became sidetracked when I read the very fine print at the bottom of a page that led me to Pedro Ledesmas very interesting ancestry
. A long time ago I had worked on a ancestral branch that turned out to not be mine after all. It wasn't for naught. This work that I had done turns out to be an ancestral branch of Pedro Ledesma. When I read that fine print at the bottom of the page, I recognized that the person they were talking about was identified as a grandson of a descendant of that ancestral branch that I had spent a lot of time on. When I looked up this persons genealogy to find out more about his descendants I found that he had a great grandson that fits our Pedro Ledesma.
When I finish working on Pedro Ledesmas genealogy, then I will go back to work on Isabel Mendoza. I still have much to do as Pedro Ledesma has some common ancestors with other founding members of Nueva Galicia. The web that connects these families is my current project.
Isaac and Azach "el menor" are the same person
Isaac Golluf And Azach "el menor" Golluf are the same person. The youngest brother is named Abraham Golluf (aka Abran Gulluf) and he is the one that ultimately inherited his grandfathers assets.
Toribio Hernandez de Arellano
Mr. Ricci,
who are the parents of Toribio's mother Isabel Ramirez de arellano
Danny C. Alonso
Isabel Hernandez de Arellano
Dear Danny,
First remember that the letters H and F are interchangeable in those years. Hernandez is the same as Fernandez.
Second the Hijar is spelled differently at times
Miguel Sanchez Dalmau is married to Isabel Hernandez de Ijar. Isabel's parents are juan Fernandez de Hijar y Enriquez and Isabel Ramirez de Arellano y Hurtado de Mendoza.
Juan is the son of Luis Fernandez de Hijar y Beaumnont and Guiomar Enriquez y Guzman
Isabel Ramirez de Arellano is the daughter of Alfonso Ramirez de Arellano y Enriquez and Catalina Hurtado de Mendoza y Luna
I added the maternal surnames but they often did not write their names using both a paternal and maternal surname. You get to a point where the surnames are not passed down but the surname is the persons father's first name. For example danny Gonzalez would be the son of Gonzalo Rodriguez and he would be the son of Rodrigo Alvarez and he would be the son of Alvaro sanchez and he would be the son of Sancho Historians and genealogists often make genealogical tables giving people names that they never used in their lifetime. Sometimes genealogists will call someone by their title when the title was given just before the person passed away and was almost never called by that title during the majority of their lifetime. In my personal records I try to keep the name the way the person was called for the majority of their life.
The rest of their ancestors is a long list. Send me an address and I will send it to you via snail mail.
Rick A. Ricci
Isabel Hernandez de Arellano
Thank you Mr. Ricci. this was very informative. my email is
Danny C. Alonso