What are the good reasons and bad reasons to open up the group to the states
of Nayarit and Colima? Can yall generate some discussion on that topic?
Lets hear the pros and cons.
Do you think that opening the group to those doing research in Nayarit and
Colima would suddenly open the group to vast numbers of new members? Would
the discussions wildly go into topics that would alienate the current
membership? There are many members of the group that rarely speak out.
Please consider stepping into this discussion. Id like feel the groups
pulse on this thought.
¿Cuáles son las razones buenas y las razones malas para abrir el grupo a los
Estados de Nayarit y Colima? ¿Ustedes pueden generar alguna discusión sobre
ese tema? Escuchemos los ideas buenas/malas de ese tema.
¿Crees que si abrimos el grupo a aquellos que hacen investigación en Nayarit
y Colima abriría grandes cantidades de nuevos miembros al grupo? ¿Las
discusiones iría en temas que podría alienar a los miembros actuales? Hay
muchos miembros del grupo que rara vez hablan. Por favor considere entrar en
esta discusión. Me gustaría sentir el pulso del grupo en este pensamiento
Joseph Puentes
- Log in to post comments
Politacally attached vs Family Attached
I do support the idea of simply adding to the forums a space for those states that a some point in time where under Nueva Galicia territories with out changing the whole structure of the site. Areas change with time frames and in some places is just a few towns that really matter. In my opinion this group can always allow towns (not necessarily the whole state, been Nayarit probably the exception) to be studied within the focused states specially when there was a political relation, not just a family connection, this in my opinion can prevent loosing the Area we are interested the most, but keeping at hand those places that may be essential to our studies, as an example from my own, I have interest in Nombre de Dios, Durango, which is at the border with Zacatecas and after a few year trying to figure it out why one of my ancestor moved from there to Nochistlán I realized that Nombre de Dios was part of Nueva Galicia and was used as a "frontier", a "land of captains" I called myself, saying that and including Súchil, I haven't find any other place in this region with that much attachment, I wouldn't say that Durango (the whole state) is crucial to my research.
Therefore it would be interesting for me to see a broader area in order to understand the "movements" and life of our ancestor, but I am pretty sure that if we keep a social-political context of the regions it would help to keep the limits.
RJ Quiralta
Nayarit and/y Colima
Having not read all the messages sent in reply to this thread, I am still going to share my opinion.
Nuestros Ranchos as is one of the best Mexican Genealogy sites, that I have seen. Some of the reasons for that is quality of the ownership of the site (Joseph) and maintainace done by Arturo. Joseph has been really good at trying to keep the group on track with the stated purpose of the group.
Another reason, is the quality of the members in the group. We have a blend of new researchers, seasoned researchers, and some professional researchers. This pool of experience allows us to make progress in our research efforts.
By expanding the groups focus into other states, it will allow other researchers to enter and share their experience with the group, also it will allow those us already in the group to share our knowledge of researching in other areas of Mexico.
Once, allowing one, two, three or more states into the group where do we draw the line.
As I stated in the beginning, this is one the best sites that I have used to be able to ask questions and find answers. I would love to see Nuestros Ranchos include more areas, or there be more groups for the other states.
But, how much more work and responsibility can Joseph and Arturo take on? They have to have a real love for this work, in order to what they have done over the past years. If the group was to expand, maybe some members need to step forward and help with the burden required to go forward.
Jonathan Walker
Expanding the group
When this discussion began I was of the opinion that we should expand to include other states. However, after reading others' opinions I opine that we should maintain the Nuestros Ranchos Group as it was set up and limit it to Jalisco, Aguascaliente, and Zacatecas. Occasionally we have had posts and "findings" which have taken us to other states, but this has not been the norm.
There are groups that include "Nueva Galicia" and people can join those groups if they choose to include a wider range of territory in their research.
Deedra Corona
Expanding the group
That seems to be the best option.
Port Orchard, WA
> To: general@lists.nuestrosranchos.org
> From: zapvive1@msn.com
> Date: Tue, 2 Sep 2014 19:06:31 -0700
> Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Expanding the group
> When this discussion began I was of the opinion that we should expand to include other states. However, after reading others' opinions I opine that we should maintain the Nuestros Ranchos Group as it was set up and limit it to Jalisco, Aguascaliente, and Zacatecas. Occasionally we have had posts and "findings" which have taken us to other states, but this has not been the norm.
> There are groups that include "Nueva Galicia" and people can join those groups if they choose to include a wider range of territory in their research.
> Deedra Corona
Nayarit and/y Colima
I posted before that I would not mind adding states to the focus area of Nuestros Ranchos, but after reading several comments by other members, I have to agree that adding new areas will alienate the majority of members, and many posts will remain unanswered. We can argue that we should add this state for this reason and that state for another reason, but at what point should we stop? The success of this group, now I see it, is due in part to the fact that it focuses in only three neighboring states. If there is a strong interest to add a specific state, it might be a better idea to create a new forum for that state, and that will benefit all. That's my opinion. My vote was for a yes, now I'm inclined to say no.
Nayarit and/y Colima
Hola Joseph , hola primos!!!
Les saludo con gusto y les dseo un gran día.
Les comento que soy de los miembros del grupo a que hace referencia Joseph y que atinada mente señala como los miembros callados, los quie participan poco de las discuciones y la razón de esto, es justa mente que en mi búsqueda particular he encontrado poco que decir en referencia a los temas tratados, pues el universo de discución es muy grande y pocas ocasiones coincide con mis investigaciones y con mis ancestros, que aunque son por mi rama paterna oriundos de los estados de Jalisco, Zacatecas y de Aguascalientes, que antes fuera parte del primer estado. Aún así, me he sentido extraño al leer la mayoría de los temas tratados, porque no he encontrado una conexión con mi búsqueda. así que abriendo más todavía el universo de investigación, la inmensa mayoría quedaremos desconectados de los temas tratados. también hago investigación de mi línea materna en los estados de Puebla, Veracruz y la Ciudad de México, pero no me atrevería a pedir que los incluyesen por las mismas razones que expongo, serían temas que harían sentir ajenos a la inmensa mayoría.
Agradezco a Joseph, a sus colaboradores y a las personas que crearon Nuestros Ranchos y que se centran en Jalisco, Aguascalientes y Zacatecas y respeto las directrices que han marcado, pues crecer implicaría muchas complicaciones operativas y de comunicación y pertenencia.
Invito a las personas que forman parte del actual Nuestros Ranchos a abrir nuevos foros para los estados que proponen y para los que sean de su interés particular, además de seguir alimentando con su participación y aportaciones a Nuestros Ranchos. Es más sencillo manejar un foro centrado en áreas relativa mente pequeñas, que abracar una cada vez mayor.
Lo aquí vertido es sola mente mi humilde opinión
Un saludo afectuoso desde Chihuahua de su primo
Rafael de la Torre Díaz = rapalato
> From: makas@nc.rr.com
> To: general@nuestrosranchos.org
> Date: Fri, 29 Aug 2014 21:59:49 -0400
> Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Nayarit and/y Colima
> What are the good reasons and bad reasons to open up the group to the states
> of Nayarit and Colima? Can y’all generate some discussion on that topic?
> Let’s hear the pros and cons.
> Do you think that opening the group to those doing research in Nayarit and
> Colima would suddenly open the group to vast numbers of new members? Would
> the discussions wildly go into topics that would alienate the current
> membership? There are many members of the group that rarely speak out.
> Please consider stepping into this discussion. I’d like feel the groups
> pulse on this thought.
> ¿Cuáles son las razones buenas y las razones malas para abrir el grupo a los
> Estados de Nayarit y Colima? ¿Ustedes pueden generar alguna discusión sobre
> ese tema? Escuchemos los ideas buenas/malas de ese tema.
> ¿Crees que si abrimos el grupo a aquellos que hacen investigación en Nayarit
> y Colima abriría grandes cantidades de nuevos miembros al grupo? ¿Las
> discusiones iría en temas que podría alienar a los miembros actuales? Hay
> muchos miembros del grupo que rara vez hablan. Por favor considere entrar en
> esta discusión. Me gustaría sentir el pulso del grupo en este pensamiento
> Joseph
> Joseph Puentes
> Clean@h2opodcast.com
> http://h2opodcast.com/vsse.html
Nayarit and/y Colima
Me encantaron tus comentarios primo, es verdad se puede abrir un nuevo foro que abarque otros Estados.
Muchos saludos y que tu también tengas in excelente día .
Martha Gómez
Sent from my iPhone
> On Sep 2, 2014, at 9:52 AM, RAFAEL DE LA TORRE DIAZ wrote:
> Hola Joseph , hola primos!!!
> Les saludo con gusto y les dseo un gran día.
> Les comento que soy de los miembros del grupo a que hace referencia Joseph y que atinada mente señala como los miembros callados, los quie participan poco de las discuciones y la razón de esto, es justa mente que en mi búsqueda particular he encontrado poco que decir en referencia a los temas tratados, pues el universo de discución es muy grande y pocas ocasiones coincide con mis investigaciones y con mis ancestros, que aunque son por mi rama paterna oriundos de los estados de Jalisco, Zacatecas y de Aguascalientes, que antes fuera parte del primer estado. Aún así, me he sentido extraño al leer la mayoría de los temas tratados, porque no he encontrado una conexión con mi búsqueda. así que abriendo más todavía el universo de investigación, la inmensa mayoría quedaremos desconectados de los temas tratados. también hago investigación de mi línea materna en los estados de Puebla, Veracruz y la Ciudad de México, pero no me atrevería a pedir que los incluyesen por las mismas razones que expongo, serían temas que harían sentir ajenos a la inmensa mayoría.
> Agradezco a Joseph, a sus colaboradores y a las personas que crearon Nuestros Ranchos y que se centran en Jalisco, Aguascalientes y Zacatecas y respeto las directrices que han marcado, pues crecer implicaría muchas complicaciones operativas y de comunicación y pertenencia.
> Invito a las personas que forman parte del actual Nuestros Ranchos a abrir nuevos foros para los estados que proponen y para los que sean de su interés particular, además de seguir alimentando con su participación y aportaciones a Nuestros Ranchos. Es más sencillo manejar un foro centrado en áreas relativa mente pequeñas, que abracar una cada vez mayor.
> Lo aquí vertido es sola mente mi humilde opinión
> Un saludo afectuoso desde Chihuahua de su primo
> Rafael de la Torre Díaz = rapalato
>> From: makas@nc.rr.com
>> To: general@nuestrosranchos.org
>> Date: Fri, 29 Aug 2014 21:59:49 -0400
>> Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Nayarit and/y Colima
>> What are the good reasons and bad reasons to open up the group to the states
>> of Nayarit and Colima? Can y’all generate some discussion on that topic?
>> Let’s hear the pros and cons.
>> Do you think that opening the group to those doing research in Nayarit and
>> Colima would suddenly open the group to vast numbers of new members? Would
>> the discussions wildly go into topics that would alienate the current
>> membership? There are many members of the group that rarely speak out.
>> Please consider stepping into this discussion. I’d like feel the groups
>> pulse on this thought.
>> ¿Cuáles son las razones buenas y las razones malas para abrir el grupo a los
>> Estados de Nayarit y Colima? ¿Ustedes pueden generar alguna discusión sobre
>> ese tema? Escuchemos los ideas buenas/malas de ese tema.
>> ¿Crees que si abrimos el grupo a aquellos que hacen investigación en Nayarit
>> y Colima abriría grandes cantidades de nuevos miembros al grupo? ¿Las
>> discusiones iría en temas que podría alienar a los miembros actuales? Hay
>> muchos miembros del grupo que rara vez hablan. Por favor considere entrar en
>> esta discusión. Me gustaría sentir el pulso del grupo en este pensamiento
>> Joseph
>> Joseph Puentes
>> Clean@h2opodcast.com
>> http://h2opodcast.com/vsse.html
Nayarit and/y Colima
Joseph and Rafael,
I forgot that I also belong to another genealogy group for those with Mexican ancestry that is open to those with ancestors from anywhere in Mexico and is based in Mexico. Since Nuestros Ranchos was started by English speaking Mexican Americans (Joseph as host with the help of Arturo the webmaster), the original members were born or living in the US with ties to Jalisco, Aguascalientes and Zacatecas, since those were all Jalisco at one time, no? Because I am not fluent in Spanish, I at first couldn't communicate very well with those in the group based in Mexico, but then I discovered that other members there were like me, American born or who were living here or those born in Mexico but living/had lived in the US. I don't recall that that other forum was as sophisticated as this Nuestros Ranchos; that other one is more like a chat room where people can ask questions much like they do on the message forums in Ancestry.com or other genealogy websites; you have to sign in in order to view post and responses, they are not delivered to our e-mail addresses. As Rafael says here, to open the membership group for more states might become unmanageable for everyone.
Perdon, Rafael, entiendio el castellan escrito, pero no puedo responder en la idioma. Disculpe mi por no ser "fluent".
Port Orchard, WA
> From: rafaeldelatorre2002@hotmail.com
> To: general@nuestrosranchos.org
> Date: Tue, 2 Sep 2014 15:52:23 +0000
> Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Nayarit and/y Colima
> Hola Joseph , hola primos!!!
> Les saludo con gusto y les dseo un gran día.
> Les comento que soy de los miembros del grupo a que hace referencia Joseph y que atinada mente señala como los miembros callados, los quie participan poco de las discuciones y la razón de esto, es justa mente que en mi búsqueda particular he encontrado poco que decir en referencia a los temas tratados, pues el universo de discución es muy grande y pocas ocasiones coincide con mis investigaciones y con mis ancestros, que aunque son por mi rama paterna oriundos de los estados de Jalisco, Zacatecas y de Aguascalientes, que antes fuera parte del primer estado. Aún así, me he sentido extraño al leer la mayoría de los temas tratados, porque no he encontrado una conexión con mi búsqueda. así que abriendo más todavía el universo de investigación, la inmensa mayoría quedaremos desconectados de los temas tratados. también hago investigación de mi línea materna en los estados de Puebla, Veracruz y la Ciudad de México, pero no me atrevería a pedir que los incluyesen por las mismas razones que expongo, serían temas que harían sentir ajenos a la inmensa mayoría.
> Agradezco a Joseph, a sus colaboradores y a las personas que crearon Nuestros Ranchos y que se centran en Jalisco, Aguascalientes y Zacatecas y respeto las directrices que han marcado, pues crecer implicaría muchas complicaciones operativas y de comunicación y pertenencia.
> Invito a las personas que forman parte del actual Nuestros Ranchos a abrir nuevos foros para los estados que proponen y para los que sean de su interés particular, además de seguir alimentando con su participación y aportaciones a Nuestros Ranchos. Es más sencillo manejar un foro centrado en áreas relativa mente pequeñas, que abracar una cada vez mayor.
> Lo aquí vertido es sola mente mi humilde opinión
> Un saludo afectuoso desde Chihuahua de su primo
> Rafael de la Torre Díaz = rapalato
> > From: makas@nc.rr.com
> > To: general@nuestrosranchos.org
> > Date: Fri, 29 Aug 2014 21:59:49 -0400
> > Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Nayarit and/y Colima
> >
> >
> >
> > What are the good reasons and bad reasons to open up the group to the states
> > of Nayarit and Colima? Can y’all generate some discussion on that topic?
> > Let’s hear the pros and cons.
> >
> >
> >
> > Do you think that opening the group to those doing research in Nayarit and
> > Colima would suddenly open the group to vast numbers of new members? Would
> > the discussions wildly go into topics that would alienate the current
> > membership? There are many members of the group that rarely speak out.
> > Please consider stepping into this discussion. I’d like feel the groups
> > pulse on this thought.
> >
> >
> >
> > ¿Cuáles son las razones buenas y las razones malas para abrir el grupo a los
> > Estados de Nayarit y Colima? ¿Ustedes pueden generar alguna discusión sobre
> > ese tema? Escuchemos los ideas buenas/malas de ese tema.
> >
> >
> >
> > ¿Crees que si abrimos el grupo a aquellos que hacen investigación en Nayarit
> > y Colima abriría grandes cantidades de nuevos miembros al grupo? ¿Las
> > discusiones iría en temas que podría alienar a los miembros actuales? Hay
> > muchos miembros del grupo que rara vez hablan. Por favor considere entrar en
> > esta discusión. Me gustaría sentir el pulso del grupo en este pensamiento
> >
> >
> >
> > Joseph
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Joseph Puentes
> >
> > Clean@h2opodcast.com
> >
> > http://h2opodcast.com/vsse.html
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
> > Nuestros Ranchos General Mailing List
> >
> > To post, send email to:
> > general(at)nuestrosranchos.org
> >
> > To change your subscription, log on to:
> > http://www.nuestrosranchos.org
Nayarit and/y Colima
I am for expanding it to only to Colima and Nayarit. Many of the Nueva Galicia settlers of the XVI century traveled and often and even established themselves in these states. Someone mentioned changing the name of the forum to "Descendants of Nueva Galicia." This may be a good suggestion, not the name, but a more specific to our area of research.
Estoy de acuerdo con la opción en que abramos el foro a los estados de Nayarit y Colima. Muchísimos de los colonizadores de la Nueva Galicia durante el siglo XVI viajaban entre estos límites. Efectivamente, el estudioso sabrá que familias numerosas de la Nueva Galicia se establecieron en esas tierras. Otro mencionó cambiar el nombre del grupo a "Descendientes de la Nueva Galicia." Creo que es un gran idea, no el nombre, más ser aun específico a nuestra área de estudio.
Daniel Méndez de Torres Camino
Nayarit and/y Colima
If Nuestros Ranchos has a strong affiliation with Nueva Galicia then, by definition, the Nueva Galicia territory included the present-day states of Aguascalientes, Colima, Jalisco, Nayarit and Zacatecas.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Mendez, Daniel"
To: "Puentes, Joseph"
Sent: Monday, September 1, 2014 9:10:19 PM
Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Nayarit and/y Colima
I am for expanding it to only to Colima and Nayarit. Many of the Nueva Galicia settlers of the XVI century traveled and often and even established themselves in these states. Someone mentioned changing the name of the forum to "Descendants of Nueva Galicia." This may be a good suggestion, not the name, but a more specific to our area of research.
Estoy de acuerdo con la opción en que abramos el foro a los estados de Nayarit y Colima. Muchísimos de los colonizadores de la Nueva Galicia durante el siglo XVI viajaban entre estos límites. Efectivamente, el estudioso sabrá que familias numerosas de la Nueva Galicia se establecieron en esas tierras. Otro mencionó cambiar el nombre del grupo a "Descendientes de la Nueva Galicia." Creo que es un gran idea, no el nombre, más ser aun específico a nuestra área de estudio.
Daniel Méndez de Torres Camino
Nayarit and/y Colima
Joseph, Daniel, Rubén y demás que estén abiertos a que el área de estudio de Nuestros Ranchos abarque lo que fue Nueva Galicia, piensen en la posibilidad de incluir a Culiacán, Sinaloa, que en sus primeras décadas de existencia formó parte de aquella, después pasaría a Nueva Vizcaya.Luis Bojórquez
> Date: Tue, 2 Sep 2014 05:01:47 +0000
> From: rubenhernandez57@comcast.net
> To: general@nuestrosranchos.org
> Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Nayarit and/y Colima
> If Nuestros Ranchos has a strong affiliation with Nueva Galicia then, by definition, the Nueva Galicia territory included the present-day states of Aguascalientes, Colima, Jalisco, Nayarit and Zacatecas.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Mendez, Daniel"
> To: "Puentes, Joseph"
> Sent: Monday, September 1, 2014 9:10:19 PM
> Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Nayarit and/y Colima
> I am for expanding it to only to Colima and Nayarit. Many of the Nueva Galicia settlers of the XVI century traveled and often and even established themselves in these states. Someone mentioned changing the name of the forum to "Descendants of Nueva Galicia." This may be a good suggestion, not the name, but a more specific to our area of research.
> Estoy de acuerdo con la opción en que abramos el foro a los estados de Nayarit y Colima. Muchísimos de los colonizadores de la Nueva Galicia durante el siglo XVI viajaban entre estos límites. Efectivamente, el estudioso sabrá que familias numerosas de la Nueva Galicia se establecieron en esas tierras. Otro mencionó cambiar el nombre del grupo a "Descendientes de la Nueva Galicia." Creo que es un gran idea, no el nombre, más ser aun específico a nuestra área de estudio.
> Daniel Méndez de Torres Camino
Nayarit and/y Colima
Im going to make a very small change to the way I accept members to the
group. I wont be turning people away that apply and ONLY have a connection
to Nayarit and/or Colima. I also will not be interjecting my suggestions to
limit the amount of discussion on these two states if and when discussions
get started. If for some reason things get WILD and masses from those areas
start moving into the group then Ill seriously consider other options for
those who only have ties to those two states.
Voy a hacer un pequeño cambio a la manera que acepto los miembros del grupo.
Las personas que se aplican y sólo tienen una conexión a Nayarit y Colima
van estar acceptado al grupo. Yo también no voy a limitar la cantidad de
discusión sobre estos dos Estados si se comenzaron las discusiones. Si por
alguna razón muchos de esas áreas empezar a entrar al grupo entonces podrá
considerar seriamente otras opciones para aquellos que sólo tienen vínculos
con esos dos Estados.
As concerning making a SWEEPING change in the way the group is represented
on the Website/Internet things will remain the same for the time being.
Como referente a hacer un cambio en la forma en que el grupo está
representado en el sitio web/Internet cosas seguirán igual por el momento
Thanks for every ones comments
Gracias por todos los comentarios
Joseph Puentes
Expanding our focus
There are good reasons to expand the focus of the group, for example due to movement of people between the various towns in this part of Mexico. Perhaps Guanajuato would be a possibility: Capn. Tomas de Villalpando, an early settler in the Aguascalientes area came from Leon, Guanajuato. My wife's paternal family is from Guanajuato. Her maternal ancestors include many of the prominent families of the early 1600s in Aguascalientes; but the only connection on her maternal side to Guanajuato is Tomas de Villalpando.
That said, making the focus too broad means a lot of what we see may not be of interest. For example, I belong to an Austrian genealogy group with a mailing list like NR. This group covers all of the former Austro-Hungarian empire: I seldom see much of interest, and when I post something for my areas of interest, there is often no response from the group.
With the current NR focus much of what I see is of interest.
Perhaps if there were "special interest" groups within NR, with separate mailing lists, the topics of limited interest would be minimized (and one could subscribe to any number of these lists), but means more work for some one to manage the system.
George Fulton
Pleasanton, CA
Calm down
I posted about the fact that Nayarit part of Jalisco until relatively recently (1917). However, I really do think we need to be careful in NOT opening the group up to all kinds of states.
I agree with those who have said that the group's success has been due to its narrow focus. If we open it up to historically important, but also distinct regions such as Chihuahua or Guanajuato, we will lose the focus. Yes, there are families that went to or came from those states, but they were distinct from the time of Mexican Independence. Without the focus, our topics will become too broad, or there will be too many families to keep track of.
And if we really consider opening up to more states we should probably have a formal vote/survey.
Let's keep helping one another, but without becoming just another broad geneaology forum...
Sergio Salés
Nayarit and/y Colima
Simple and easy, researchers with concentration in Nayarit
and Colima can create their own forum.
The success of this forum has been due to the concentration of
research on the three states.By opening the group
to other states, we would lose the focus.
Above all, we do not need to alienate the current membership,
who have contributed vast amounts of information, and time behind the scene to helped
make Nuestros Ranchos’ such a success.
Yes, all of the states have tight historical links however, If
we begin to include a few states, then we might as well include the entire
A definite NO vote…with encouragement to start a new forum
for those who research states outside the current Nuestros Ranchos realm.
On Saturday, August 30, 2014 5:36 AM, Joseph Puentes wrote:
What are the good reasons and bad reasons to open up the group to the states
of Nayarit and Colima? Can y’all generate some discussion on that topic?
Let’s hear the pros and cons.
Do you think that opening the group to those doing research in Nayarit and
Colima would suddenly open the group to vast numbers of new members? Would
the discussions wildly go into topics that would alienate the current
membership? There are many members of the group that rarely speak out.
Please consider stepping into this discussion. I’d like feel the groups
pulse on this thought.
¿Cuáles son las razones buenas y las razones malas para abrir el grupo a los
Estados de Nayarit y Colima? ¿Ustedes pueden generar alguna discusión sobre
ese tema? Escuchemos los ideas buenas/malas de ese tema.
¿Crees que si abrimos el grupo a aquellos que hacen investigación en Nayarit
y Colima abriría grandes cantidades de nuevos miembros al grupo? ¿Las
discusiones iría en temas que podría alienar a los miembros actuales? Hay
muchos miembros del grupo que rara vez hablan. Por favor considere entrar en
esta discusión. Me gustaría sentir el pulso del grupo en este pensamiento
Joseph Puentes
Nayarit and/y Colima
How about opening it up to Chihuahua or maybe states now that used to be part of Nuevo Galicia? Could you poll the members to see which states they would like to open up, and open those?
Port Orchard, WA
> From: makas@nc.rr.com
> To: general@nuestrosranchos.org
> Date: Fri, 29 Aug 2014 21:59:49 -0400
> Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Nayarit and/y Colima
> What are the good reasons and bad reasons to open up the group to the states
> of Nayarit and Colima? Can y’all generate some discussion on that topic?
> Let’s hear the pros and cons.
> Do you think that opening the group to those doing research in Nayarit and
> Colima would suddenly open the group to vast numbers of new members? Would
> the discussions wildly go into topics that would alienate the current
> membership? There are many members of the group that rarely speak out.
> Please consider stepping into this discussion. I’d like feel the groups
> pulse on this thought.
> ¿Cuáles son las razones buenas y las razones malas para abrir el grupo a los
> Estados de Nayarit y Colima? ¿Ustedes pueden generar alguna discusión sobre
> ese tema? Escuchemos los ideas buenas/malas de ese tema.
> ¿Crees que si abrimos el grupo a aquellos que hacen investigación en Nayarit
> y Colima abriría grandes cantidades de nuevos miembros al grupo? ¿Las
> discusiones iría en temas que podría alienar a los miembros actuales? Hay
> muchos miembros del grupo que rara vez hablan. Por favor considere entrar en
> esta discusión. Me gustaría sentir el pulso del grupo en este pensamiento
> Joseph
> Joseph Puentes
> Clean@h2opodcast.com
> http://h2opodcast.com/vsse.html
Nayarit and/y Colima
I agree with opening it up to Chihuahua too. My relatives came from Aguascalientes and Encarnacion de Diaz to Chihuahua before migrating to Texas. I also have relatives from Chihuahua that I haven't investigated yet with names very common to Nueva Galicia that I'm guessing also originally came from our research area.
Christopher de Cuellar
From: Emilie Garcia
To: "general@nuestrosranchos.org"
Sent: Sunday, August 31, 2014 5:48 PM
Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Nayarit and/y Colima
How about opening it up to Chihuahua or maybe states now that used to be part of Nuevo Galicia? Could you poll the members to see which states they would like to open up, and open those?
Port Orchard, WA
> From: makas@nc.rr.com
> To: general@nuestrosranchos.org
> Date: Fri, 29 Aug 2014 21:59:49 -0400
> Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Nayarit and/y Colima
> What are the good reasons and bad reasons to open up the group to the states
> of Nayarit and Colima? Can y’all generate some discussion on that topic?
> Let’s hear the pros and cons.
> Do you think that opening the group to those doing research in Nayarit and
> Colima would suddenly open the group to vast numbers of new members? Would
> the discussions wildly go into topics that would alienate the current
> membership? There are many members of the group that rarely speak out.
> Please consider stepping into this discussion. I’d like feel the groups
> pulse on this thought.
> ¿Cuáles son las razones buenas y las razones malas para abrir el grupo a los
> Estados de Nayarit y Colima? ¿Ustedes pueden generar alguna discusión sobre
> ese tema? Escuchemos los ideas buenas/malas de ese tema.
> ¿Crees que si abrimos el grupo a aquellos que hacen investigación en Nayarit
> y Colima abriría grandes cantidades de nuevos miembros al grupo? ¿Las
> discusiones iría en temas que podría alienar a los miembros actuales? Hay
> muchos miembros del grupo que rara vez hablan. Por favor considere entrar en
> esta discusión. Me gustaría sentir el pulso del grupo en este pensamiento
> Joseph
> Joseph Puentes
> Clean@h2opodcast.com
> http://h2opodcast.com/vsse.html
Nayarit and/y Colima
Hello, Christopher,
Encarnacion de Diaz! I have maternal grandparents (Martinez=Pena), and great grandparents, who were born and raised there. I hope to hear from. Perhaps, we could have ancestors in common.
Paul J Gomez
Sent from my iPad
> On Aug 31, 2014, at 9:06 PM, IChristopher wrote:
> I agree with opening it up to Chihuahua too. My relatives came from Aguascalientes and Encarnacion de Diaz to Chihuahua before migrating to Texas. I also have relatives from Chihuahua that I haven't investigated yet with names very common to Nueva Galicia that I'm guessing also originally came from our research area.
> Christopher de Cuellar
> ________________________________
> From: Emilie Garcia
> To: "general@nuestrosranchos.org"
> Sent: Sunday, August 31, 2014 5:48 PM
> Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Nayarit and/y Colima
> How about opening it up to Chihuahua or maybe states now that used to be part of Nuevo Galicia? Could you poll the members to see which states they would like to open up, and open those?
> Emilie
> Port Orchard, WA
>> From: makas@nc.rr.com
>> To: general@nuestrosranchos.org
>> Date: Fri, 29 Aug 2014 21:59:49 -0400
>> Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Nayarit and/y Colima
>> What are the good reasons and bad reasons to open up the group to the states
>> of Nayarit and Colima? Can y’all generate some discussion on that topic?
>> Let’s hear the pros and cons.
>> Do you think that opening the group to those doing research in Nayarit and
>> Colima would suddenly open the group to vast numbers of new members? Would
>> the discussions wildly go into topics that would alienate the current
>> membership? There are many members of the group that rarely speak out.
>> Please consider stepping into this discussion. I’d like feel the groups
>> pulse on this thought.
>> ¿Cuáles son las razones buenas y las razones malas para abrir el grupo a los
>> Estados de Nayarit y Colima? ¿Ustedes pueden generar alguna discusión sobre
>> ese tema? Escuchemos los ideas buenas/malas de ese tema.
>> ¿Crees que si abrimos el grupo a aquellos que hacen investigación en Nayarit
>> y Colima abriría grandes cantidades de nuevos miembros al grupo? ¿Las
>> discusiones iría en temas que podría alienar a los miembros actuales? Hay
>> muchos miembros del grupo que rara vez hablan. Por favor considere entrar en
>> esta discusión. Me gustaría sentir el pulso del grupo en este pensamiento
>> Joseph
>> Joseph Puentes
>> Clean@h2opodcast.com
>> http://h2opodcast.com/vsse.html
Nayarit and/y Colima
My husband's paternal grandparents (Primitivo Garcia and Marciana Cervantes) also came from Encarnacion de Diaz to El Paso TX in 1895. His maternal grandparents (Gabriel Acosta and Maria ?) came from Chihuahua around the same time.
> From: pgomez177@roadrunner.com
> Date: Mon, 1 Sep 2014 08:19:24 -0700
> To: general@nuestrosranchos.org; ichristopher94526@yahoo.com
> Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Nayarit and/y Colima
> Hello, Christopher,
> Encarnacion de Diaz! I have maternal grandparents (Martinez=Pena), and great grandparents, who were born and raised there. I hope to hear from. Perhaps, we could have ancestors in common.
> Paul
> Paul J Gomez
> Sent from my iPad
> > On Aug 31, 2014, at 9:06 PM, IChristopher wrote:
> >
> > I agree with opening it up to Chihuahua too. My relatives came from Aguascalientes and Encarnacion de Diaz to Chihuahua before migrating to Texas. I also have relatives from Chihuahua that I haven't investigated yet with names very common to Nueva Galicia that I'm guessing also originally came from our research area.
> >
> > Christopher de Cuellar
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > ________________________________
> > From: Emilie Garcia
> > To: "general@nuestrosranchos.org"
> > Sent: Sunday, August 31, 2014 5:48 PM
> > Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Nayarit and/y Colima
> >
> >
> > How about opening it up to Chihuahua or maybe states now that used to be part of Nuevo Galicia? Could you poll the members to see which states they would like to open up, and open those?
> >
> > Emilie
> > Port Orchard, WA
> >
> >> From: makas@nc.rr.com
> >> To: general@nuestrosranchos.org
> >> Date: Fri, 29 Aug 2014 21:59:49 -0400
> >> Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Nayarit and/y Colima
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> What are the good reasons and bad reasons to open up the group to the states
> >> of Nayarit and Colima? Can y’all generate some discussion on that topic?
> >> Let’s hear the pros and cons.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> Do you think that opening the group to those doing research in Nayarit and
> >> Colima would suddenly open the group to vast numbers of new members? Would
> >> the discussions wildly go into topics that would alienate the current
> >> membership? There are many members of the group that rarely speak out.
> >> Please consider stepping into this discussion. I’d like feel the groups
> >> pulse on this thought.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> ¿Cuáles son las razones buenas y las razones malas para abrir el grupo a los
> >> Estados de Nayarit y Colima? ¿Ustedes pueden generar alguna discusión sobre
> >> ese tema? Escuchemos los ideas buenas/malas de ese tema.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> ¿Crees que si abrimos el grupo a aquellos que hacen investigación en Nayarit
> >> y Colima abriría grandes cantidades de nuevos miembros al grupo? ¿Las
> >> discusiones iría en temas que podría alienar a los miembros actuales? Hay
> >> muchos miembros del grupo que rara vez hablan. Por favor considere entrar en
> >> esta discusión. Me gustaría sentir el pulso del grupo en este pensamiento
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> Joseph
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> Joseph Puentes
> >>
> >> Clean@h2opodcast.com
> >>
> >> http://h2opodcast.com/vsse.html
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
> >> Nuestros Ranchos General Mailing List
> >>
> >> To post, send email to:
> >> general(at)nuestrosranchos.org
> >>
> >> To change your subscription, log on to:
> >> http://www.nuestrosranchos.org/
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
> > Nuestros Ranchos General Mailing List
> >
> > To post, send email to:
> > general(at)nuestrosranchos.org
> >
> > To change your subscription, log on to:
> > http://www.nuestrosranchos.org/
> > -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
> > Nuestros Ranchos General Mailing List
> >
> > To post, send email to:
> > general(at)nuestrosranchos.org
> >
> > To change your subscription, log on to:
> > http://www.nuestrosranchos.org
Adding Nayarit
I think that opening the group to those doing research in Nayarit be great but this bias of mine is because it would surely help my research that I have done on some families from Nayarit.
But the connection from the states we cover now and other states is not limited to the locales that used to be part of Jalisco or Nueva Galicia. Some of my ancestors would go from Jalostotitlan Jalisco to Taos New Mexico and then back to Jalostotitlan Jalisco. They would stay with distant family members in Taos. One of my ancestors was born in Taos when his mother and father went to live in Taos for a while. It is unclear whether they were there on vacation or if they lived there for a time. This ancestor's Jalostotitlan marriage record clearly states that he was born in Taos while his parents records show they were born in Los altos de Jalisco.
My maternal Delgado line left Tlaltenango and Atolinga,Zacatecas after 300+ years and settled in La Yesca and Ixtlan del Rio, Nayarit in the late 1800's. My mother was born in Ixtlan del Rio, Nayarit.
On my paternal Rojas side, my last name started out as Roxas in Amatlan de Jora, Nayarit in the early 1700's. They then settled in Hostotipaquillo, Jalisco in 1840's.
You could say that my roots started and ended in Nayarit.
It would help to share information with other members from Nayarit. Currently, all the information I have on Nayarit is my own 3 year research with no help.
Current members with no ties to Nayarit or Colima may not be able to help new members with research or information.Website would have a lot of postings with no replies.
I would still vote yes for Nayarit because of my ties.
Ruben Rojas Delgado
Nayarit and/y Colima
I agree with the other posts. There is a strong historical connection between Jalisco and Nayarit, as well as Colima if you have ancestors in what was then the provincia de Avalos. I am tempted to say yes, however, this would broaden the area in this group, and you would have to think about other areas in Michoacan, Guanajuato, Durango and other states closely related to our focus states. It's a tough question, but I would vote yes on Nayarit and Colima, even though I don't have ancestors on this states.
I'm sure in the long run the addition of new members from these states will benefit the group.
Considering Nayarit was carved out of Jalisco, I'd say it's a good idea. In a recent article, I wrote:
At the time of Mexican independence, Nayarit was part of Jalisco. In November 1824, the political constitution of the State of Jalisco was established, dividing the territory into eight districts. Nayarit was called the Seventh District of Jalisco. On August 7, 1867, after the defeat of the French invasion, President Benito Juárez separated Nayarit from Jalisco, declaring it to be the "Military District of Tepic," under the jurisdiction of the government.On December 12, 1884, by order of Article 43 of the Federal Constitution, Nayarit was elevated to the status of a territory separate from Jalisco. This federal territory was divided into twenty municipios. In February 1917 the Territory of Nayarit was elevated to the status of a free and sovereign state under the provisions of the Constitution of 1917. The state was called Nayarit in honor of Nayar or Nayarit, the 16th century Cora governor who had defied the Spaniards.
Late last year, I put together a little discussion of their indigenous history, and some Jalisco lines I have traced did originate in Nayarit.
So, I vote "Yes" to Nayarit.
John P. Schmal
Thanks, John.
Paul J Gomez
Sent from my iPhone
> On Aug 29, 2014, at 7:47 PM, JOHN SCHMAL wrote:
> Considering Nayarit was carved out of Jalisco, I'd say it's a good idea. In a recent article, I wrote:
> At the time of Mexican independence, Nayarit was part of Jalisco. In November 1824, the political constitution of the State of Jalisco was established, dividing the territory into eight districts. Nayarit was called the Seventh District of Jalisco. On August 7, 1867, after the defeat of the French invasion, President Benito Juárez separated Nayarit from Jalisco, declaring it to be the "Military District of Tepic," under the jurisdiction of the government.On December 12, 1884, by order of Article 43 of the Federal Constitution, Nayarit was elevated to the status of a territory separate from Jalisco. This federal territory was divided into twenty municipios. In February 1917 the Territory of Nayarit was elevated to the status of a free and sovereign state under the provisions of the Constitution of 1917. The state was called Nayarit in honor of Nayar or Nayarit, the 16th century Cora governor who had defied the Spaniards.
> Late last year, I put together a little discussion of their indigenous history, and some Jalisco lines I have traced did originate in Nayarit.
> http://latinola.com/story.php?story=12440
> So, I vote "Yes" to Nayarit.
> John P. Schmal
Nayarit and/y Colima
Nayarit. I'm biased. My father was born in Nayarit, eventually crossing border. Serving in the military in WWII , he became a US citizen. As well, my maternal Abuelita Clemencia Lizarraga was born in Nayarit. At present my paternal ancestors date back to 1797, and my maternal line to 1684.
As a kid I had the good fortune to visit with my father the ranchito where he and several of his siblings were born.
I hope that Nuestros Ranchos will seriously consider including Nayarit. I made this request several years ago, since I believe that historically speaking this area was part of the geographical /political art of Colonial Mexico.
Paul J Gomez
Sent from my iPhone
> On Aug 29, 2014, at 6:59 PM, "Joseph Puentes" wrote:
> What are the good reasons and bad reasons to open up the group to the states
> of Nayarit and Colima? Can y’all generate some discussion on that topic?
> Let’s hear the pros and cons.
> Do you think that opening the group to those doing research in Nayarit and
> Colima would suddenly open the group to vast numbers of new members? Would
> the discussions wildly go into topics that would alienate the current
> membership? There are many members of the group that rarely speak out.
> Please consider stepping into this discussion. I’d like feel the groups
> pulse on this thought.
> ¿Cuáles son las razones buenas y las razones malas para abrir el grupo a los
> Estados de Nayarit y Colima? ¿Ustedes pueden generar alguna discusión sobre
> ese tema? Escuchemos los ideas buenas/malas de ese tema.
> ¿Crees que si abrimos el grupo a aquellos que hacen investigación en Nayarit
> y Colima abriría grandes cantidades de nuevos miembros al grupo? ¿Las
> discusiones iría en temas que podría alienar a los miembros actuales? Hay
> muchos miembros del grupo que rara vez hablan. Por favor considere entrar en
> esta discusión. Me gustaría sentir el pulso del grupo en este pensamiento
> Joseph
> Joseph Puentes
> Clean@h2opodcast.com
> http://h2opodcast.com/vsse.html
Nayarit and/y Colima
Historically, there's a great deal that binds these states and as Emily
said, that may be why you would find some ancestors from one of our 3
states, Jalisco, Zacatecas and Aguascalientes in one of the other states,
but then this could apply to other states as well such as Michoacan,
Guanajuato and San Luis Potosi. I think it's a toss up.
San Jose, Ca
On Fri, Aug 29, 2014 at 7:22 PM, Paul J Gomez
> Nayarit. I'm biased. My father was born in Nayarit, eventually crossing
> border. Serving in the military in WWII , he became a US citizen. As well,
> my maternal Abuelita Clemencia Lizarraga was born in Nayarit. At present
> my paternal ancestors date back to 1797, and my maternal line to 1684.
> As a kid I had the good fortune to visit with my father the ranchito where
> he and several of his siblings were born.
> I hope that Nuestros Ranchos will seriously consider including Nayarit. I
> made this request several years ago, since I believe that historically
> speaking this area was part of the geographical /political art of Colonial
> Mexico.
> Paul
> Paul J Gomez
> Sent from my iPhone
> > On Aug 29, 2014, at 6:59 PM, "Joseph Puentes" wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > What are the good reasons and bad reasons to open up the group to the
> states
> > of Nayarit and Colima? Can y’all generate some discussion on that topic?
> > Let’s hear the pros and cons.
> >
> >
> >
> > Do you think that opening the group to those doing research in Nayarit
> and
> > Colima would suddenly open the group to vast numbers of new members?
> Would
> > the discussions wildly go into topics that would alienate the current
> > membership? There are many members of the group that rarely speak out.
> > Please consider stepping into this discussion. I’d like feel the groups
> > pulse on this thought.
> >
> >
> >
> > ¿Cuáles son las razones buenas y las razones malas para abrir el grupo a
> los
> > Estados de Nayarit y Colima? ¿Ustedes pueden generar alguna discusión
> sobre
> > ese tema? Escuchemos los ideas buenas/malas de ese tema.
> >
> >
> >
> > ¿Crees que si abrimos el grupo a aquellos que hacen investigación en
> Nayarit
> > y Colima abriría grandes cantidades de nuevos miembros al grupo? ¿Las
> > discusiones iría en temas que podría alienar a los miembros actuales? Hay
> > muchos miembros del grupo que rara vez hablan. Por favor considere
> entrar en
> > esta discusión. Me gustaría sentir el pulso del grupo en este pensamiento
> >
> >
> >
> > Joseph
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Joseph Puentes
> >
> > Clean@h2opodcast.com
> >
> > http://h2opodcast.com/vsse.html
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
> > Nuestros Ranchos General Mailing List
> >
> > To post, send email to:
> > general(at)nuestrosranchos.org
> >
> > To change your subscription, log on to:
> > http://www.nuestrosranchos.org
Nayarit and/y Colima
I have no family in either but have no problem expanding the group to include these.. How abt Michoacán since many Jalisco families migrated from there in the 1700's.
Linda in Olympia, Wa.
On Saturday, August 30, 2014 1:21 AM, Paul J Gomez wrote:
Nayarit. I'm biased. My father was born in Nayarit, eventually crossing border. Serving in the military in WWII , he became a US citizen. As well, my maternal Abuelita Clemencia Lizarraga was born in Nayarit. At present my paternal ancestors date back to 1797, and my maternal line to 1684.
As a kid I had the good fortune to visit with my father the ranchito where he and several of his siblings were born.
I hope that Nuestros Ranchos will seriously consider including Nayarit. I made this request several years ago, since I believe that historically speaking this area was part of the geographical /political art of Colonial Mexico.
Paul J Gomez
Sent from my iPhone
> On Aug 29, 2014, at 6:59 PM, "Joseph Puentes" wrote:
> What are the good reasons and bad reasons to open up the group to the states
> of Nayarit and Colima? Can y’all generate some discussion on that topic?
> Let’s hear the pros and cons.
> Do you think that opening the group to those doing research in Nayarit and
> Colima would suddenly open the group to vast numbers of new members? Would
> the discussions wildly go into topics that would alienate the current
> membership? There are many members of the group that rarely speak out.
> Please consider stepping into this discussion. I’d like feel the groups
> pulse on this thought.
> ¿Cuáles son las razones buenas y las razones malas para abrir el grupo a los
> Estados de Nayarit y Colima? ¿Ustedes pueden generar alguna discusión sobre
> ese tema? Escuchemos los ideas buenas/malas de ese tema.
> ¿Crees que si abrimos el grupo a aquellos que hacen investigación en Nayarit
> y Colima abriría grandes cantidades de nuevos miembros al grupo? ¿Las
> discusiones iría en temas que podría alienar a los miembros actuales? Hay
> muchos miembros del grupo que rara vez hablan. Por favor considere entrar en
> esta discusión. Me gustaría sentir el pulso del grupo en este pensamiento
> Joseph
> Joseph Puentes
> Clean@h2opodcast.com
> http://h2opodcast.com/vsse.html
Nayarit and Colima
I think it's a good idea to add Nayarit. While doing research on a Nayarit family a few years back, I found that one of the early settlers in the early 1700's came from Guadalajara, Jalisco. As other families came from Zacatecas as well. I was also doing a little research on the Colotlan soldiers trying to link them to Nayarit settlers. Needless to say, my research stopped as I have many other lines that I've been working on.
I think it's a great idea.
Nayarit and Colima
Yes, I would definitely. I believe the Huichol tribes used to settle in
these areas, the Sierra Madre Occidental. Especially when the Spaniards
came. I believe so any way. My grandfather told me some stories about
these tribes when I was a kid. My grandfather's generation were all from
Michoacan, Jalisco, Colima and he even Zacatecas. I am not sure how in
Zacatecas yet. For I have not had the pleasure to get that far yet but he
is an Acevedo Valdovinos and with that comes, Magana, Guerrero, Barragan,
Gaitan, Alcaras, Meraz and Magallon. All these families are very large
They have to be all interlinked. So if Michoacan can have links to
Zacatecas. There are direct links to Nayarit and Zacatecas.
Getting to the point, it would just be very convenient for us all.
With Much Respect,
Nayarit and Colima
I think some of my father's in-laws came from Michoacán, and my father from Jerez was a mestizo, but he didn't know what tribe. I just assumed it was the Zacatecan.
Port Orchard, WA
> Date: Mon, 1 Sep 2014 13:28:19 -0700
> From: acesan78@gmail.com
> To: general@nuestrosranchos.org
> Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Nayarit and Colima
> Yes, I would definitely. I believe the Huichol tribes used to settle in
> these areas, the Sierra Madre Occidental. Especially when the Spaniards
> came. I believe so any way. My grandfather told me some stories about
> these tribes when I was a kid. My grandfather's generation were all from
> Michoacan, Jalisco, Colima and he even Zacatecas. I am not sure how in
> Zacatecas yet. For I have not had the pleasure to get that far yet but he
> is an Acevedo Valdovinos and with that comes, Magana, Guerrero, Barragan,
> Gaitan, Alcaras, Meraz and Magallon. All these families are very large
> They have to be all interlinked. So if Michoacan can have links to
> Zacatecas. There are direct links to Nayarit and Zacatecas.
> Getting to the point, it would just be very convenient for us all.
> With Much Respect,
> Elizabeth
Nayarit and Colima
I would like to say I'm in favor of expanding to Chihuahua in addition to
Nayarit. My ancestors also moved from Aguas Calientes to Chihuahua before
coming to America.