With respect to missing messages, it is my opinion that not everyone understands how to use the site. I posted messages on the the website thinking that they would go out via the distribution list.
Following the discussion last week regarding Geronimo Sanchez de Porras (Viejo) and his son, Geronimo Sanchez de Porras (Mozo); I was wondering if anyone had any information on the parentage of El Vie
Encontre una copia del Acta de Defuncion de mi Abuelo Juan Castro originario de Barranca de Santa Clara, Jalisco donde dice que murio de bala y que fue enterrado en una fosa de 3ra clase en el Cemente
i decided to make this post in order to make this collection a little bit easier to navagate. unfortunately some parts don't appear to have indexes attached.
i decided to make this post in order to make this collection a little bit easier to navagate. unfortunately some parts don't appear to have indexes attached.
I am not sure if the name is Jesus or Juan Antonio Vicente, ch. 26 Nov
1829, but I also have a hard time reading the parents names. I you could
help I really would appreciate it.
I found this very nice dispensa (thanks to Katy's website) for the marriage of Isabel Sanchez de Porras to Miguel de la Mora Hurtado de Mendoza widow of Getrudis de Alderete
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